Letizia Konderak is a PostDoctoral Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies – Southeast Europe, University of Rijeka, and Assistant to the Chair of Philosophical Hermeneutics at the University of Bari. The main topic of her research is the spatiality of politics, which she is currently declining through an analysis of Hannah Arendt and Carl […]
Paolo Castoro graduated from the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” with a degree in Social Ethics. He focuses on themes related to the ethical-political evolutions of the modern and contemporary world. Among his interests are the relationship between economy and politics, the spatial transformations of life in common, and the effects of power relations on […]
Roberta Raffaetà is an anthropologist working at the intersection between medical anthropology, political ecology and science & technology studies. My research question is how to live well in an entangled and more-than-human world, given that we nurture but also hurt each other by the very fact of being in relation. In recent years, I have explored how scientists produce […]
Borxa Colmenero has completed his studies in Law in 2009, in the combined degree in Law and Political Science at the Carlos III University of Madrid. He later in 2014 obtained a Master´s degree in European Union Studies from University of A Coruña. In the same university, he thenbecame a Doctor of Criminal Law in 2016 with the distinction […]
Enrique Baleriola, doctor en Persona y Sociedad en el Mundo Contemporáneo (UAB, 2017). Actualmente es investigador especializado en el análisis de políticas públicas, su implementación en diferentes organizaciones, y la gestión de estas. El énfasis de su trabajo se centra en las personas no expertas para buscar formas de hacer otro tipo de política y […]
Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Helsinki as part of the Academy of Finland project ‘Biopolitics and Democracy in Global Governance’ and Research Fellow at the Centre for Critical Thought of the University of Kent. He holds a Dual-Award Ph.D. in philosophy and biopolitics from the University of Kent and from the Scuola Normale Superiore di […]
Professor of Political Philosophy at Universidad de Murcia, Spain. Editor and author of several books and articles on political philosophy, history of political concepts, and philosophy and films studies. He has written La soberanía. De la teología política al comunitarismo impolítico (2003), Res Publica, Murcia. Política y mesianismo. Giorgio Agamben (2005) , Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid. Cincuenta mitos (2006) , IV Premio de […]
Professor of Sociology in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Kings College London which he founded in 2012. He was previously Martin White Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science and Director of the LSE’s BIOS Centre for the Study of Bioscience, Biomedicine, Biotechnology and Society, which […]
Professor of North American History at Erfurt University. His research focuses on the history of violence, families, bodies, sports and genders. His latest book on Die Ordnung des Sozialen (Governing Through the Family; Campus, 2013) won the Adams Award of the Organization of American Historians. Since 2012, he has been running several third party funded research projects […]
Professor of Political Philosophy at Piemonte Orientale University, Italy. She is a coordinating member of “FINO”, PhD International Program in Philosophy of the Northwestern Italian Universities Consortium. Currently she is Visiting Professor at The News School for Social Research, Philosophy Department. Simona Forti is Principal Investigator in the Grant Awarded Project, by HERA JRP “Uses of the […]
PhD in Law at the Universidad de Almería. Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Universidad de Granada (Spain). He has been visiting researcher at universities in Spain, Germany and Italy. Her research focuses on the history of organic metaphor in legal science, the governmentality of dissident sexualities (trans and intersexuality) and the pensiero impolitico. […]
PhD. in Philosophy for the University of Murcia (Spain) and PhD. in Social Anthropology for the University Rovira i Vigili of Tarragona (Spain). He studied Philosophy at the University of Murcia (Spain) and at the University of Liège (Belgium), and he did different PhD. and Post. PhD. stays in Madrid, Paris or Copenhagen. His specific […]
Research Assistant at Department of Philosophy of Hacettepe University. I’m studying on a book project about biopolitics. In the first volume of this project I want to collect articles that focus on the philosophical roots of biopolitics. In this regard there are articles on Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas and Augustine, Spinoza, Hobbes, Marx, Nietzsche and Arendt. Some of […]
PhD in Sociology and lecturer in Sociology at the Basque Country University. His main lines of research take into account power relationships and how they affect the production of subjectivities and spaces. All this theoretical approach is developed in three fields: a) the state violence through the political-punitive practice of torture; b) the production of mobility […]
Nick Piska is a lecturer in law at Kent Law School, University of Kent (UK). Nick’s research pursues a critical engagement with private law, particularly in the area of equity and trusts, through questions of truth, power and subjectivity drawing on the works of Michel Foucault and Maurizio Lazzarato. He is currently undertaking a project […]
Anthropologist with studies in Chile, Mexico, Spain, and Germany. He holds his PhD in Social Anthropology from Universidad de Barcelona (2010) with Doctor Europeus mention. He has participated in several researches, conferences and congress on prision systems and biopower in the contemporary society. Also he is member of the Research Group on Social Control and Exclusion GRECS […]
Ernesto Mieles-González is currently a PhD student of sociology at Free University of Berlin. The topic of his dissertation is “Legal Mobilization in Transitional Justice Settings”. He holds a Law degree and a Master’s in Law (MA) both from the National University of Colombia. He was a law clerk of the Constitutional Court of Colombia […]
Professor of History and theory of International Relations. Member of the advisory board of the Research Institute for the Study of Culture. Member of the editorial boards of the Journal Security Dialogue, Journal of Internvention and State Building, and Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses. Member of the international advisory board of Revista Pléyade (Chile).
Research Assistant at Department of Philosophy at Hacettepe University. He is the author of Şiirimizde Milenyum Kuşağı (Millenium Age in Our Poetry, 2008) and Şiir İçin Paralaks (Parallax View For Poetry, 2013). Besides, he is the Turkish translator of Class Struggles by Dennis Dworkin, Marxism and Literary Criticism by Terry Eagleton, Biopolitics: An Advanced Introduction […]
Philosopher and sociologist, Professor of Philosophy at the Universidad de Murcia (Spain) and director of the journal Daimon. Revista Internacional de Filosofía, where he has coordinated special editions on Arendt, Canetti and Foucault. He has been a visiting researcher at the Centre Michel Foucault in Paris and at the CSIC Instituto de Filosofía in Madrid. […]
Researcher in Political Science, University of Jyväskylä, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy. Doctoral thesis title: Foucault’ s Voices:- Toward the Political Genealogy of the “Sonorous/auditory” is being finished, the defence of the study will be take place during theautumn 2009, or the in the early 2010. Special areas of interest: biopolitics and the sensorium, […]
Professor in Philosophy at University of Basel. His research and teaching interest are the image theory. He is author and editor of many papers on philosophy of art, public space and the relationship between body, politics and sciences.
Studied Political Science and History at the University of Vienna (Austria). In 2001/2, through the Erasmus Exchange Program, she spent the academic year at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium). In 2002, she became Tutor in Sociology at the Technical University in Vienna. In the following year, she became Student Assistant of Herbert Gottweis at […]
Arthur Bradley is Professor of Comparative Literature at Lancaster University. He works at the intersection between political theory, contemporary philosophy, theology and literature. He has recently published articles on biopolitics in The Review of Politics, Telos and Security Dialogue and co-edits the book series Political Theologies (Bloomsbury). His most recent book is Unbearable Life: A Genealogy of Political Erasure (New York: Columbia University Press, 2019).
Colin Gordon has translated, edited and written about Foucault’s work and related themes since the late 1970s. He edited Power/Knowledge, co-edited and co-authored The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality, and selected the content and wrote the preface for Essential Writings 3: Power. He recently contributed a chapter to the Blackwells Companion to Foucault. Current research […]
Sergei Prozorov is University Lecturer in World Politics and Academy of Finland Research Fellow at the Department of Political and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki. He is the author of six monographs, the most recent being Ontology and World Politics (Routledge, 2013) and Theory of the Political Subject (Routledge, 2013). He has also published numerous articles on political philosophy and international […]
María Luciana Cadahia obtained a PhD in philosophy from Madrid’s Universidad Autónoma with a thesis on Hegel and Foucault: Life, History and Politics. She has been in charge of a Master’s Degree in Philosophy of History at the same university and she has been a visiting researcher at Sorbonne’s Paris I and at the Institute of Philosophy in […]
Doctor con Mención Europea (European PhD) en Antropología Social y Cultural por la Universidad de A Coruña, UDC (España), Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Antropología Social y Cultural por la UDC, Licenciado en Sociología por la UDC LÍNEAS DE INVESTIGACIÓN 1. Antropología del estado. 2. Sociedad civil, derechos humanos y democracia. 3. Interculturalidad y migraciones […]
Professor of Ethical-Political Philosophy and Ethics and Politics of the Common World at the Università degli Studi di Bari ‘Aldo Moro’ (Italy), where he has also taught Philosophical Anthropology (1993-2001), and Moral-Political Philosophy (2001-2002). Currently, he is on the faculty of the Department of Humanities, and is a teacher of the PhD Course in “Humanities” […]
Massimo Gelardi received his B.A. Degree in Political Science (thesis on the biography and the political theory of Malcolm X) and was awarded his Ph.D. in Philosophy of Social Sciences (dissertation on the logical-political ontology of racial categories in the US). He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Philosophy and Cognitive Science and taught postgraduate courses […]