PhD in Sociology and lecturer in Sociology at the Basque Country University. His main lines of research take into account power relationships and how they affect the production of subjectivities and spaces. All this theoretical approach is developed in three fields: a) the state violence through the political-punitive practice of torture; b) the production of mobility regimes and the experience of travel-displacement in situations of migration and tourism; and c) the political ecology as a theoretical approach to analyze the production of natures. He has published: Movimientos sociales y trayectos sociológicos: hacia una sociología práxica y multidimensional de lo social (Universidad del País Vasco, 2001); Elogio de la mentira. En torno a una sociología de la mendacidad (Lengua de Trapo, 2006; translated into italian: Elogio della menzogna. Tropea Editore, 2008), El jardín biotecnológico. Tecnociencia, transgénicos y biopolítica (Los libros de la Catarata, 2006) and Inhabit the uninhabitable. The political-punitive practice of torture (Bellaterra, 2014). He has edited Rastros y rostros de la biopolítica. (Anthropos, 2009) and coordinated the special issue of the review Política y Sociedad Biopolítica y movilidad (Vol. 49, nº. 3, 2012).
Ignacio Mendiola