
Ana Calderón

…has developed research projects on the configuration of political subjectivity and the political subject in war victims. She participated in a research project on false positives in Colombia. Email:…

Oliver Quijano Valencia

PhD candidate in Latin American Cultural Studies of the Universidad Andina “Simón Bolívar”. Professor at Universidad del Cauca Colombia.    E-mail:  …

Giovanni M. Algarra Garzón

…the Universidad del Rosario de Bogotá. Master in Philosophy of Science of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Scholar in social and philosophical studies in science and technology.  Contacto:

Mariana Amato

Licenciada en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (2001) y Doctora en Literatura Latinoamericana por New York University (2009). Actualmente se desempeña como profesora asistente de Literatura Latinoamericana en…

Rosendo González Núñez

…son el espectáculo, la biopolítica y la guerra. También lleva un blog personal donde poder consultar algunos de sus trabajos (, gestiona una biblioweb de pensamiento contemporaneo “Caosmosis” ( y…


Colin Gordon

…selected the content and wrote the preface for Essential Writings 3: Power. He recently contributed a chapter to the Blackwells Companion to Foucault. Current research interests include governmentality, political culture…

Ute Tellmann

for pinpointing the type of displaced (bio)politics that help to constitute the economy as an object of thought and intervention. Her areas of specialization are cultural economy, contemporary political theory,…

Constanza Serratore

…University of Buenos Aires. She has been Assistant Professor in the Department of Contemporary Philosophy (2006-2008) and Political Philosophy Seminar: “Communitas of Roberto Esposito” (2006-2008) at the Universidad del Salvador….

Mauricio Amar Díaz

Sociologist, Master in Gender Studies and Culture with the thesis “ideal body. The production of the housewife in women’s magazines between 1910 and 1950.” Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Culture…

Laura Quintana

…(co-edited with D. Paredes, A. Fjeld, and Carlos Manrique); (2016). Cómo se forma un sujeto político: prácticas estéticas y acciones colectivas (co-edited with Carlos Manrique). For other publications, see:…


Marco Piasentier

Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Helsinki as part of the Academy of Finland project ‘Biopolitics and Democracy in Global Governance’ and Research Fellow at the Centre for Critical Thought…


Ely Orrego Torres

Political Scientist from Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile. Member of the Center for Analysis and Political Research (CAIP). Master candidate in Contemporary Thought at Universidad Diego Portales.

Ángel Álvarez Solís

…Humanities at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-México. Bachelor in Philosophy and Master in Political Philosophy from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa. Currently he is Ph.D. candidate in Humanities for the same University. …

Juan Piazze

Bachelor and Master in Philosophy. Professor of Philosophy at Universidad de Valparaíso, Universidad Santa María and Universidad Metropolitana. Has been professor at Universidad Diego Portales. Member of the Centre for

Kamal Cumsille M.

Ph.D in Philosophy, Universidad de Chile. Professor of the Centre for Arab Studies at Universidad de Chile. His research lines are arab political philosophy (Alfarabi, Averroes and Ibn Jaldún) and…

Cary Wolfe

Is the Bruce and Elizabeth Dunlevie Professor of English, and founding Director of 3CT: Center for Critical and Cultural Theory at Rice University. He publishes widely in areas such as animal…


Oscar Fernández

Doctor in Sciences for strategic development and Professor in Natural Sciences of the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental libertador, currently researcher level 1. His research is entitled: “Teoría meta compleja del pensamiento…

Geoffrey Whitehall

…department for two years specializing in World Politics and Contemporary Political theory. In 2008/09 he has taught course in Theoretical Approaches to International Politics; Pop Culture and World Politics; Applied…


Utku Özmakas

Research Assistant at Department of Philosophy at Hacettepe University. He is the author of Şiirimizde Milenyum Kuşağı (Millenium Age in Our Poetry, 2008) and Şiir İçin Paralaks (Parallax View For

Luis Lobo-Guerrero

Professor of History and theory of International Relations. Member of the advisory board of the Research Institute for the Study of Culture. Member of the editorial boards of the Journal…


Nicolás Ried

Bachelor in Law, Universidad de Chile. Co-funder and member of the Research core in Biopolitics and Ideology. He holds a Diploma in Concepts of the Political from the Centre for


Catherine Mills

Associate Professor Catherine Mills is an ARC Future Fellow in the Centre for Human Bioethics at Monash University. She is the author of two books, Futures of Reproduction: Bioethics and…


Pablo Leighton

…articles Archives and narratives for the recent coup-history of Chile (Neo Journal: Macquarie University, 2008); and Televisión + estado de sitio: la perentoria doble cadena del golpe en Chile ,…

Daniel Toscano

Ph.D. in Philosophy for the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Master in Philosophy and Master in Political Studies of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá-Colombia. Bachelor in Philosophy of the Pontificia…


Robin Rodd

…how democracy can dissolve into authoritarianism, and in examining how memory is produced and experienced to create specific possibilities for political action. Rodd is currently exploring different domains of the…


Miguel Vatter

…Es autor de Between Form and Event: Machiavelli’s Theory of Political Freedom (Kluwer, 2000; nueva edicion Fordham University Press, 2014), La constitución de la libertad. Ensayos de teoría democrática radical…


Juan Manuel Iglesias Frecha

…Institute of Gino Germani, in the area of ​​Society, Culture and Religion of the Center for Studies and Labor Research and integrated different research teams in the Institute of Legal…


Leticia Katzer

…legal-political tensions between ‘communalization’ and nomadic life-in- common routines of Huarpes ethnic ascripts”. Her main research topics are ethnopolitics, biopolitics and coloniality / modernity, based on readings of postcolonial criticism…


Gustavo Yañez González

Philosophy student in the former pedagogical, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE) . Diploma in Political Philosophy, Centre for Political Analysis and Research (CAIP), 2013. He has worked…

Maurizio Meloni

…and chief editor of the Palgrave Handbook of Biology and Society (2018). He is currently ARC Future Fellow in the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University, Australia….