
Joseph Pugliese

Research Director of the Department of Media, Music, Communication and Cultural Studies, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. He has published widely on biopolitics, state violence, refugee and asylum seeker studies, race,…


Marc De Leeuw

Phone: +61 2 9385 9531

…Center for Cultural Sociology at Yale university. He is the author of  Homo Capax. Paul Ricoeur’s Renewal of Philosophical Anthropology  (forthcoming), and is currently working on a new book  In…


Salvador Cayuela Sánchez

PhD. in Philosophy for the University of Murcia (Spain) and PhD. in Social Anthropology for the University Rovira i Vigili of Tarragona (Spain). He studied Philosophy at the University of…


Vanessa Lemm

Phone: +61 (2) 93859442

…books: a collection of essays on Foucault by internationally recognized Foucault specialists entitled The Government of Life: Michel Foucault, Biopolitics and Neoliberalismfor Fordham University Press (2014) and two collections of…

Neil Vallelly

…Today, and Social Anthropology/Anthrpologie Sociale. He is a researcher for the think tank Economic and Social Research Aotearoa (ESRA) and a member of the Centre for Global Migrations at Otago….

Silvana P. Vignale

Is Professor of Philosophy, at the Department of Philosophy and Letters at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. Fellow of the National Commission for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET)….

Juan Carlos Echeverri Álvarez

…school from the Foucaultianconception of Liberalism: Escritos Magazine. UPB. Versión electronica:revistas.upb.edu.co/index.php/escritos/article/download/108/84 Democracy and School: From the discipline to the conflict. Memoirs.VIII Latin American Congress on Latin American Education. 2007 Project…


Dimitris Vardoulakis

…Violence (2013), Freedom from the Free Will: On Kafka’s Laughter (2016), Stasis Before the State: Nine Theses on Agonistic Democracy (2018), and Spinoza, the Epicurean: Authority and Utility in Materialism…

Maya Aguiluz Ibargüen

…contemporánea. Ha coordinado y editado varias publicaciones (libros y revistas especializadas), entre las más recientes coeditó Comparecen los cuerpos. Materias y fronteras (México: UNAM, 2021) y el número sobre aproximaciones…

Tomás Sánchez Criado

…‘AIBR. Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana’ ( www.aibr.org ). Sus intereses se reparten entre los estudios de la ciencia y la tecnología (fundamentalmente en el ámbito tecnologías para el cuidado sanitario…

Juan Carlos Echeverri Alvarez

…en clave de Gubernamentalidad Liberal. Colombia 1821-1946. 2015. Medellín. UPB. ISBN: 9789587642582   https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330798563_Escuela_y_Metodos_Pedagogicos_en_clave_de_Gubernamentalidad_Liberal_Colombia_1821-1946   Educación, biopolítica y posthumanismo en perspectiva paleoantropobiológica. En: bioética plural III (2019). Medellín. Universidad CES….

Yasmeen Arif

…Lebanon. The Mellon Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship, among others, have supported her work. She has published her work in several international journals and other volumes. https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/life-emergent…


Álvaro Garreaud

…and Exclusion GRECS (Grup de Recerca sobre l’Exclusió i el Control Socials) from the Universidad de Barcelona and Co-editor of the Magazine Víscera (www.viscera.zzl.org). Live and work in Berlin.  …

Sergio Benvenuto

…filosofía de las ciencias sociales, la psicoanálisis, y “cultural studies”. Desde 1995 se desempeña como editor de la revista “Journal of European Psychoanalysis” publicada en Roma y Nueva York (www.psychomedia.it/jep)….

Maya Aguiluz-Ibargüen

…social contemporánea. Ha coordinado y editado varias publicaciones (libros y revistas especializadas), entre las más recientes coeditó Comparecen los cuerpos. Materias y fronteras (México: UNAM, 2021) y el número sobre…

Laura S. Reagan

…of Political Science in December of 2010. She is currently working towards turning her dissertation, “Mimesis in Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan (1651): the theatre of the modern commonwealth” into a manuscript.  While Laura’s…

Nicolás Muñoz-Saldaña

Sociologist from the Universidad de Concepción, Chile (UdeC).  He works specially in Biopolitics of the life forms and everyday life through a deconstructive sociology, in which its limits with anthropology,…

Michaela Mayrhofer

Studied Political Science and History at the University of Vienna (Austria). In 2001/2, through the Erasmus Exchange Program, she spent the academic year at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)….


Nick Piska

…and trusts, through questions of truth, power and subjectivity drawing on the works of Michel Foucault and Maurizio Lazzarato. He is currently undertaking a project on the fate of equity…


Ignacio Mendiola

…and spaces. All this theoretical approach is developed in three fields: a) the state violence through the political-punitive practice of torture; b) the production of mobility regimes and the experience…


Antonio Fuentes

…Movements and the  Conflict. The research developed have addressed the issue of collective violence in Mexico and Guatemala, the analysis of policies to combat trafficking of illegal substances, the formation…

Vicki Kirby

…the substance of the corporeal (Routledge). Recent and forthcoming publications appear in National Gallery of Victoria Triennial; Towards an INTRA-SPACE (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Sternberg Press); Reimagining Science Education…

João Henrique Salles Jung

João Henrique Salles Jung is Former President and Research Fellow at Instituto Sul Americano de Política e Estratégia (ISAPE). Master candidate in Philosophy (PUCRS), Bachelor in International Relations (ESPM) and…

Steven G. Ogden

…the issues of power, violence, and entitlement. He published The Church, Authority, and Foucault (Routledge, 2017) examining the use of power in the church, through Foucault’s power/knowledge prism, focusing on…

Senda Inés Sferco

…doctoral thesis was “Figuras y conceptos del tiempo en el pensamiento contemporáneo: kairós, actualidad, acontecimiento”. Has developed researches on contemporary philosophy, especially Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Walter Benjamin and Giorgio Agamben  E-mail:  senda_sferco@hotmail.com  …

Wilman Alexos Galeano

…es sobre el estado social armonico como reflexion etica-politica en el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt, ademas de profundizar en el campo de la biopolitica como posibilidad bioetica.   E-mail: profewilman@hotmail.com

Wilman Alexos Galeano

Bachelor in Philosophy and  Master candidate in Philosophy , Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellin. Professor of Social Anthropology of the Fundacion Universitaria Catolica del Norte. E-mail: profewilman@hotmail.com  …


Mario German Gil

…y políticas de reconocimiento. (Compilador). USC. Editorial Universidad Santiago de Cali. Colombia. 2016. filosofía y estilos de vida para nuestro presente. Compilador. Redipe. Santiago de Cali. 2019. E- mail: mariogi961@gmail.com

Facundo E. Casullo

…at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Ph.D. in Philosophy, Universidad Nacional de La Plata with a thesis on ethics and politics in Michel Foucault.  E-Mail:  facucasullo@yahoo.com

Felipe Kong Aránguiz

Bachelor in Philosophy and Master candidate in Philosophy  from Universidad de Chile . Coordinator of the Walter Benjamin Permanent Seminar (  http://seminariobenjamin-blogspot.com  )….