Daniel Tirado Ramírez

Sociologist. Currently student of the Magíster en Intervención Social Program and researcher in the Programa de Políticas Públicas y Ciudadanía of the Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile. He has published studies and research on Bolivian social movements, trade unionism on the Chilean banking system, citizen participation and child and adolescent rights and also directed the documentary […]

Ítalo San Martín

Sociologist. Currently student of the Magíster en Intervención Social Program and researcher in the Programa de Políticas Públicas y Ciudadanía of the Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile. He has published studies and research on Bolivian social movements, trade unionism on the Chilean banking system, citizen participation and child and adolescent rights and also directed the documentary […]

Felipe Ramírez Hinrichsen

Is psychologist and bachelor in psychology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile, and Master in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with children and adolescents of the Alberto Hurtado University, Chile. Member of the College of Psychologist of New Brunswick, Canada. Specialized on child and adolescent psychotherapy and psychosocial problems, his research line refers to the relation […]

Roberto Bruna

Roberto Bruna holds a BA in Political Science. Is obtaining the degree of Master in Philosophy major in axiology and political philosophy at the Universidad de Chile, with the thesis “The violence of the law. The right to the violence”. His work in recent years has been engaged primarily to investigate the relationship between the […]

Mauricio Amar Díaz

Sociologist, Master in Gender Studies and Culture with the thesis “ideal body. The production of the housewife in women’s magazines between 1910 and 1950.” Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Culture at the University of Chile and is currently a doctoral student in Philosophy: Political and Moral Philosophy mention at the University of Chile. Part of […]


Carlos Araya-Moreno

Carlos Araya (Antofagasta, 1984) is an educator and philosopher. Researcher PhD in Philosophy mention Aesthetics and Theory of Art at the University of Chile. PhD in Philosophy at the University of Valladolid, Spain. Bachelor of Education and Professor of Philosophy at the Metropolitan University of Education Sciences. Extension professor at the University of Chile and […]

Diego Paredes Goicochea

Master in Philosophy from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and currently a Ph.D.candidate at the same university. He has taught Political Philosophy at the Faculty ofHumanities of the Universidad Autónoma de Colombia, at the Department of Political Science of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and the Faculty of Law at the Universidad del Rosario.He is part of the research groups “Hermeneutics in Contemporary Philosophical Discussion”and “Aesthetics and Politics. ” He the author of La crítica de Nietzsche a la democracia[Nietzsche’s critique of democracy]  (Unal, 2009) and some articles and translations related with contemporary political philosophy. He is a research associate of […]

Carlos Pacheco Villegas

Educational professor of the Pedagogic National University, faculty of physical education, educational secretary of education of Bogota, Magíster in education, Specialist in Social Management of the Education, Licentiate in physical education. Belonging to the group of investigation Philosophy, Society and education.


Mario German Gil

PH D en filosofía. Líder del grupo de investigación: Educación, epistemología y filosofía. Catedrático universitario. Investigador reconocido por Colciencias Colombia. Par académico de la misma. Director de investigaciones de Redipe-Colombia. Libros recientes: Varios. Modernidad y posconflicto. Una correlación entre Paz y Desarrollo. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. 2016. Políticas de exclusión y políticas de reconocimiento. (Compilador). USC. Editorial […]

Juan Carlos Echeverri Álvarez

Historian of the Universidad Nacional of Colombia (Medellín) Master in History (Universidad Nacional of Colombia) Ph.D Candidate in Education (Interinstitutional agreement Universidad del Valle, PedagógicaNacional y Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Professor at the Universidad PontificiaBolivariana, Coordinator of the Research Group Pedagogy and Didactics of Knowledge(PDS) Publication in the topic – Of Discipline to the indiscipline: […]

Laura Quintana

Laura Quintana is Professor of Philosophy at the Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá – Colombia). She has published several contributions in the areas of contemporary political philosophy and modern and contemporary aesthetics. Her recent research mainly addresses the aesthetic dimension of forms of power and emancipation and their effects on the world, from a trans-disciplinary […]

Alexander Muriel Restrepo

Bachelor and Master in Philosophy of the Universidad del Valle, Colombia. Professor of the Universidad de San Buenaventura. Has been coordinator Interdisciplinary Center of Humanistic Studies of the Universidad San Buenaventura, Cali. E-mail: amuriel@usbcali.edu.co

Wilman Alexos Galeano

Licenciado en filosofia de la escuela de humanidades de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellin, candidato a Magister en filosofia de la misma universidad, docente de antropologia social de la fundacion universitaria catolica del norte, participo del grupo de investigacion de filosofia politica de la universidad de antioquia y del grupo “epimeleia” de la universidad pontificia bolivariana. mi […]


Santiago Castro-Gómez

Undergraduate degree in philosophy from Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá, MA in philosophy from Tubingen University, and Ph.D. in philosophy from Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt. Since 1998 he is associate professor at the  Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá and researcher in the Instituto Pensar of the same university. Among his publications are: – Crítica de la […]

Alberto Bejarano

Bachelor in Political Sciences of the Universidad Nacional, Colombia. Master in Philosophy of the Universidad París VIII with a french scholarships. Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy of the Universidad París VIII, France. Professor and Researcher at Department of Philosophy of the Universidad Externado, Colombia. Young researcher Conciencias 2005. Coordinator of research group “biopolitics and aesthetics” (Universidad […]

Enrique Gallegos

Researcher professor at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Cuajimalpa (Mexico). He has studied philosophy, politics, law and art history and he is interested in issues and problems related to political philosophy, aesthetic and poetic. He is currently working on a research project on “Modernity and biopolitics”. He is member of the SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores). His […]


Raúl Álvarez

PhD student in the Social Research Methodology Program at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra [Pompeu Fabra University] (Barcelona, Spain). Master in Social Sciences with Education Orientation from the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales [Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences] (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Bachelor of Educational Sciences from the Universidad Mayor de San Simón [Mayor de San Simón […]


Vanessa Lemm

Phone: +61 (2) 93859442

PhD in Philosophy from the New School for Social Research, USA (2002), Master in Philosophy from King’s College University of London, England (1993), Postgraduate degree in Philosophy (Diplome d’Etudes Approfondis) (1994), Bachelor in Philosophy (Licence) (1992) and an undergraduate degree in Philosophy (D.E.U.G) (1992) from Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, France. She is professor in […]


Miguel Vatter

Profesor de ciencia política en la Flinders University, Australia.  Doctor en Filosofía de la New School for Social Research (EE.UU., 1997), fue profesor de filosofía y ciencia política en varias universidades en EE.UU. y en Chile, y profesor visitante en Alemania. Sus áreas de investigación principales son la historia y la teoría del republicanismo, la […]