Edgar Novoa

Lawyer with specialization in public law of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Master in Regional Development at the Universidad de los Andes, DEA and Ph.D. in Social Sciences from Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. Currently working as professor of the Bioethics Department in Universidad El Bosque and Department of Political Science in Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


David Mauricio Adriano Solodkow

Associate professor in Latin American Literature at Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Ph.D.and MA. of the Vanderbilt University (Nashville, Tennessee). Research: “Etnógrafos coloniales: escritura, alteridad y eurocentrismo en la Conquista de América”. Certificate in Latin American Studies. His interest are biopolitics, literature and anthropology.

Daniel Toscano

Ph.D. in Philosophy for the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Master in Philosophy and Master in Political Studies of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá-Colombia. Bachelor in Philosophy of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. He is a research and professor of the University del Desarrollo (Santiago-Chile). Research interest are biopolitics, bioethics, Political Philosophy.   Doctor en Filosofía, Pontificia […]

Adrián José Perea Acevedo

Professor in Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia. Bachelor in Philosophy, Universidad Santo Tomás. Master in Philosophy of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana with a thesis on freedom, power and resistence in Michel Foucault’s thought. Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. His research interest are biopolitics and guvernamentality.  

Abdénago Yate-Arévalo

Ph.D. candidate in Bioethics of the Universidad El Bosque, Colombia. Master in Research of contemporary social problems of the Universidad Central, Colombia. Industrial Designer, researcher and author of several papers on ethics and biopolitics. 


Floro Hermes Gómez Pineda

Medical doctor, PhD in Political Studies. He is Research Professor of Social and Humanistic, Faculty of Health Sciences at the Free University in Cali, Colombia. His PhD thesis is: The conditions for a biopolitics in Colombia between 1904 and 1948. A Foucauldian reading.


Greg Bird

Greg Bird is a social and political theorist. He co-edited a special issue of Angelaki on Esposito (2013), which is being published by Routledge as an edited book (March 2015). Besides publications on phenomenology, Esposito, and Jean-Luc Nancy, he has a forthcoming publication in Italian on the dialectic of alienation and appropriation in revolutionary thought. This summer he […]


Rodrigo Castro Orellana

PhD in Philosophy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Máster in Philosophy of the Universidad de Chile and Bachelor in Philosophy of the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. He has been professor in several Chilean universities: Universidad Andrés Bello, Universidad de Valparaíso, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias […]

Cuauhtémoc Nattahí Hernández Martínez

Soy Doctor en Filosofía. He impartido clases en la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, en la Universidad del Valle de México-Campus Querétaro, en la Universidad Anáhuac y en la Universidad Iberoamericana de León. Actualmente me desempeño como profesor-investigador de tiempo completo en el Dpto. de Filosofía de la Universidad de Guanajuato. Pertenezco al SNI, nivel 1. […]


John Protevi

John Protevi is Phyllis M Taylor Professor of French Studies and Professor of Philosophy at Louisiana State University. He is the author of Life, War, Earth: Deleuze and the Sciences (Minnesota, 2013); Political Affect: Connecting the Social and the Somatic (Minnesota, 2009); Political Physics: Deleuze, Derrida, and the Body Politic (Athlone, 2001); Time and Exteriority: […]


Sergei Prozorov

Phone: +358-(0)9-191 23822

Sergei Prozorov is University Lecturer in World Politics and Academy of Finland Research Fellow at the Department of Political and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki. He is the author of six monographs, the most recent being Ontology and World Politics (Routledge, 2013) and Theory of the Political Subject (Routledge, 2013). He has also published numerous articles on political philosophy and international […]


Nicolás Del Valle O.

Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy at Leiden Universiteit, MA. in Contemporary Thought and BA. in Political Science. Currently he is Director of the Journal Pléyade ISSN: 0718-655X and Visiting Researcher at the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut of Berlin, Germany. Also he is editor of the book “La Actualidad de la Crítica. Ensayos sobre la Escuela de Frankfurt” (Metales […]


Dimitris Vardoulakis

Dimitris Vardoulakis was the inaugural chair of Philosophy at Western Sydney University. He is the author of The Doppelgänger: Literature’s Philosophy (2010), Sovereignty and its Other: Toward the Dejustification of Violence (2013), Freedom from the Free Will: On Kafka’s Laughter (2016), Stasis Before the State: Nine Theses on Agonistic Democracy (2018), and Spinoza, the Epicurean: Authority and Utility in Materialism (2020). He is the director of […]


Melinda Cooper

Phone: +61 2 9351 2361

Melinda Cooper is an ARC Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Sydney, Australia. She is the author of Life as Surplus: Biotechnology and Capitalism in the Neoliberal Era (Washington University Press, 2008) and coauthor, with Catherine Waldby, of Clinical Labor: Human Research Subjects and Tissue Donors […]


Miguel Ruiz Stull

Professor in the Arts Faculty of the Universidad de Chile. PhD in Philosophy from the Universidad de Chile. His main areas of research are vitalism in philosophy and theories of experience, particularly in Lucretius, Hume, Kant, Bergson, Deleuze, Canguilhem and Foucault. He is author of Tiempo y experiencia. Variaciones en torno a Henri Bergson (Fondo […]


Jessica Whyte

 Senior lecturer in cultural and social analysis at the University of Western Sydney, Australia. She has published widely on contemporary continental philosophy (Agamben, Foucault, Ranciere), theories of sovereignty and biopolitics, critical legal theory and human rights . Her book “Catastrophe and Redemption: The Political Thought of Giorgio Agamben” was published by SUNY in 2013.


Nicholas Heron

Recently completed his PhD in the School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne. He is the editor, together with Justin Clemens and Alex Murray, of The Work of Giorgio Agamben: Law, Literature, Life (Edinburgh, 2008), and the author of several articles and translations that have appeared in journals such as Angelaki and Theory and Event. He is […]


Melanie White

Melanie’s current research concerns the place of the animal in the constitution of the discipline of sociology in 19C France. She has particular interest in the social theory of Emile Durkheim, Gabriel Tarde, Henri Bergson, Michel Foucault and Georges Canguilhem.  She is interested in exploring the shifting relations between habits & creativity, notions of error […]


Justin Clemens

Phone: +61 3 8344 5502

Justin Clemens is Associate Professor in the School of Culture and Communication at The University of Melbourne. He works on issues at the intersection of biopolitics and psychoanalysis. His recent work examines the question of torture in democracy, the relationship between language and slavery, as well as key concepts such as state of exception and testimony. His books […]


Pablo Leighton

Pablo Leighton holds a PhD in Latino American studies from Universidad de Santiago de Chile, and in Media and cultural studies from Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. He also has a Master of Fine Arts in Filmmaking from Massachusetts College of Art (Boston, USA), and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Universidad Católica de Chile. […]


Paul Patton

Paul Patton is Hongyi Chair Professor of Philosophy at Wuhan University, Professor of Philosophy in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences  at Flinders University, and Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at The University of New South Wales. He holds a Doctorat d’Université from The University of Paris VIII and an MA from The University […]


Rodrigo Karmy Bolton

Master in Philosophy, Universidad de Chile, with a thesis on Giorgio Agamben. Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Universidad de Chile with a thesis entitled “Politics of In(Ex)-carnation. Elements of a Genealogy of Biopolitics.” He is currently professor and researcher in the Center for Arabic Studies in the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, Universidad de Chile. […]

Adán Salinas A.

Chilean. Professor of philosophy and degree in education by the UCSH. Master in philosophy, with distinction in moral and political philosophy from the University of Chile. Master of advanced studies in philosophy by the Complutense University of Madrid. Currently make a Phd research in the Complutense University of Madrid, through funding of CONICYT. His doctoral […]

Nicolás Muñoz-Saldaña

Sociologist from the Universidad de Concepción, Chile (UdeC).  He works specially in Biopolitics of the life forms and everyday life through a deconstructive sociology, in which its limits with anthropology, semiotics, social psychology and political philosophy blur.  He has put his attention in the militant research about the discoursive-practices of the non-traditional-left, and his main […]


Mario Ociel Moya

Master’s in Anthropology and Ph.D. candidate from the Northern Catholic University (UCN) and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Tarapacá (UTA), Chile. Graduate from the  Master degree in Aging and Quality of Life, INTA, University of Chile. Anthropologist and a BA in Anthropology from the Bolivarian University. He has completed a pre-doctoral research […]


Matías L. Saidel

Ph.D. in Political Philosophy from the  Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Naples, Italy. His doctoral dissertation addressed the problem of community in the thought of Nancy, Agamben and Esposito. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at CONICET (UCSF) and a lecturer in political theory at USAL (Argentina). His research project focuses on the common and […]

María Luciana Cadahia

María Luciana Cadahia obtained a PhD in philosophy from Madrid’s Universidad Autónoma with a thesis on Hegel and Foucault: Life, History and Politics. She has been in charge of a Master’s Degree in Philosophy of History at the same university and she has been a visiting researcher at Sorbonne’s Paris I and at the Institute of Philosophy in […]

Antón Fernández de Rota

Doctor con Mención Europea (European PhD) en Antropología Social y Cultural por la Universidad de A Coruña, UDC (España), Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Antropología Social y Cultural por la UDC, Licenciado en Sociología por la UDC LÍNEAS DE INVESTIGACIÓN 1. Antropología del estado. 2. Sociedad civil, derechos humanos y democracia. 3. Interculturalidad y migraciones […]