Letizia Konderak is a PostDoctoral Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies – Southeast Europe, University of Rijeka, and Assistant to the Chair of Philosophical Hermeneutics at the University of Bari. The main topic of her research is the spatiality of politics, which she is currently declining through an analysis of Hannah Arendt and Carl […]
Paolo Castoro graduated from the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” with a degree in Social Ethics. He focuses on themes related to the ethical-political evolutions of the modern and contemporary world. Among his interests are the relationship between economy and politics, the spatial transformations of life in common, and the effects of power relations on […]
Steven G Ogden is Research Fellow Charles Sturt University. He is a political theologian interested in the work of Judith Butler, Michel Foucault, and Mark C Taylor. He has addressed the issues of power, violence, and entitlement. He published The Church, Authority, and Foucault (Routledge, 2017) examining the use of power in the church, through […]
Neil Vallelly is a political economist and critical theorist based at the University of Otago, Aotearoa New Zealand. He is author of Futilitarianism: Neoliberalism and the Production of Uselessness (Goldsmiths Press 2021), and his writing has appeared in journals such as Rethinking Marxism, Angelaki, Poetics Today, and Social Anthropology/Anthrpologie Sociale. He is a researcher for the think tank Economic and Social Research Aotearoa […]
Roberta Raffaetà is an anthropologist working at the intersection between medical anthropology, political ecology and science & technology studies. My research question is how to live well in an entangled and more-than-human world, given that we nurture but also hurt each other by the very fact of being in relation. In recent years, I have explored how scientists produce […]
Eben Kirksey attended the University of Oxford as a British Marshall Scholar and earned his Ph.D. from the University of California at Santa Cruz. Duke University Press has published his first two books—Freedom in Entangled Worlds (2012) and Emergent Ecologies (2015)—as well as one edited collection: The Multispecies Salon (2014). In academic circles, Prof. Kirksey is perhaps best known for his […]
Senior Lecturer in sociolegal studies at Flinders University where she teaches decolonising approaches to law and criminology with an emphasis on crimes against populations. She holds undergraduate Honours degrees in Literature and Law and has a PhD in Cultural Theory supervised by Professor Joseph Pugliese. She has published on questions of sovereignty and refugee and […]
. Investigadora titular en el Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades (CEIICH) de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Es profesora del Programa de Posgrado en Estudios Latinoamericanos, de esta misma universidad, en donde ha asesorado tesis de doctorado y maestría. Investigadora nacional, nivel II, por el Sistema Nacional de Investigadores/as del […]
Alexander Ghedi Weheliye is professor of African American Studies at Northwestern University where he teaches black literature and culture, critical theory, social technologies, and popular culture. He is the author of Phonographies: Grooves in Sonic Afro-Modernity (2005) and Habeas Viscus: Racializing Assemblages, Biopolitics, and Black Feminist Theories of the Human (2014). Currently, he is working […]
Vicki Kirby is Emeritus Professor of Social Sciences, The University of New South Wales, and Visiting Professorial Fellow, Institute of Art and Architecture, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Her research explores the nature/culture division because so many political and ethical decisions are configured in terms of this opposition. She brings a Derridean approach to the […]
João Henrique Salles Jung is Former President and Research Fellow at Instituto Sul Americano de Política e Estratégia (ISAPE). Master candidate in Philosophy (PUCRS), Bachelor in International Relations (ESPM) and in Social Sciences (UFRGS), his work focus on a cross among these three disciplines. He emphasizes the importance on rethink these subjects through an humanitarian […]
My name is Mauricio Dal Castel, I’m a Master’s degree candidate in Philosophy and Specialist in Penal Sciences at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Bachelor of Laws in Feevale University. I’m currently researching Byung-Chul Han’s thesis about the birth of a new phenomenon emerging from Foucault’s biopolitics, the psicopolitic. Also I’m […]
Obtuve el Título Psicóloga, en la Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá. Realicé una Maestría en Artes en Arte Terapia en EEUU a mediados de los años ochenta. En el año 2009 culminé una Maestría en Mediación de Conflictos con la Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore; y, en el 2015 terminé Estudios Doctorales en Salud Pública en […]
Doctor en Filosofía, Magíster en Bioética, Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Chile, académico e investigador del Departamento de Filosofía y del Centro de Estudios de Ética Aplicada de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Ha dirigido numerosos proyectos de investigación y es autor de libros, capítulos de libros y artículos especializados sobre filosofía contemporánea, […]
Lieta Vivaldi, is a lawyer from the University of Chile, has a diploma in Gender and Violence from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Chile, a master’s degree in sociology from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a PhD in sociology from the University of Goldsmiths, University of London. She […]
Doctor en Filosofía de la Universidad de los Andes. Magíster en Filosofía y magíster en Estudios Culturales de la misma universidad. Politólogo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sus intereses giran en torno a la biopolítica, bioética, ecología política, teología política, epistemologías críticas, estudios poscoloniales, estudios críticos animales y estudios de género. Entre sus publicaciones […]
Jonathan Short holds a doctorate from the Social and Political Thought Programme at York University in Toronto, Canada. He has published several essays on biopolitics in contemporary French and Italian thought, with particular focus on Agamben, Esposito, and Foucault. He is co-editor (with Greg Bird) of Community, Immunity, and the Proper: Roberto Esposito, published by […]
Stephanie Erev is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Portland State University. Her work has appeared in Environmental Humanities, Democratic Theory: An Interdisciplinary Journal, and Political Theory: An International Journal of Political Philosophy, with essays forthcoming in New Political Science and the Handbook of Environmental Politics, Activism, and Theory. Erev’s research and teaching interests include affect theory, ecofeminism, multispecies and extinction studies, […]
Maurizio Meloni is a social theorist and a science and technology studies scholar. He is the author of Political Biology: Science and Social Values in Human Heredity from Eugenics to Epigenetics (Palgrave 2016), Impressionable Biologies: From the Archaeology of Plasticity to the Sociology of Epigenetics (Routledge, 2019), co-editor of Biosocial Matters (Wiley 2016), and chief editor of the Palgrave Handbook of Biology and Society (2018). He […]
PhD. Student in the department of Philosophy of Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (2019-2023). Bachelor in Law (2016) and Master in Philosophy (2019). Has publish articles and book chapters on biopolitics, mostly concerning the works of Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, Toni Negri, Achille Mbembe, Bernard Harcourt, Roberto Esposito and Byung-Chul Han. Currently, […]
Historiador de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín. Magister en Historia, de la misma Universidad. Doctor en Educación Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Bogotá, Colombia. Docente titular de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín. Coordinador del Grupo de Investigación Pedagogía y Didácticas de los Saberes (PDS). Director del Doctorado en Educacion de la UPB. Publicación en el […]
Ph.D. in Political Philosophy from the Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Naples, Italy. His doctoral dissertation addressed the problem of community in the thought of Nancy, Agamben and Esposito. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at CONICET (UCSF) and a lecturer in political theory at USAL (Argentina). His research project focuses on the common and […]
Yasmeen Arif is Associate Professor in Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, India. Her engagements with biopolitics explore the formulation and potential of the social in biological and political vectors. Her book Life, Emergent: The Social in the Afterlives of Violence (2016, University of Minnesota Press) explores a politics of life across multiple […]
Borxa Colmenero has completed his studies in Law in 2009, in the combined degree in Law and Political Science at the Carlos III University of Madrid. He later in 2014 obtained a Master´s degree in European Union Studies from University of A Coruña. In the same university, he thenbecame a Doctor of Criminal Law in 2016 with the distinction […]
He just completed his PhD in sociology under the supervision of Mitchell Dean at Macquarie University. His most recent paper is an extended analysis of the two disconnected lectures found at the end of The Birth of Biopolitics elucidating the link between the strategic constructivism of neoliberal theory and the Enlightenment conception of civil society. It will […]
Philosophy student in the former pedagogical, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE). Diploma in Political Philosophy, Centre for Political Analysis and Research (CAIP), 2013. He has worked in different prisons doing reading and writing workshops. Together with Herman Carvajal he made the short film Mataperro. Occasionally he is a columnist in the newspaper […]
Graduate in Anthropology, PhD in Natural Sciences awarded by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum of the National University of La Plata – Area of Anthropology, researcher of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). Head of the chair of Applied Anthropology at the University of Aconcagua. She has participated in research […]
He holds a BA in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) since July 2017. He is currently a Magistrate in Legal Sociology at the National University of La Plata and attends the Secondary, Normal and Special Teaching Staff in Sociology (UBA). He has collaborated in the codification of surveys in the area of […]
He teaches anthropology at James Cook University. His research interests span citizenship, democracy, drug use, and critical theory. He is particularly interested in making bridges between political theory and anthropology to understand how democracy can dissolve into authoritarianism, and in examining how memory is produced and experienced to create specific possibilities for political action. Rodd is currently […]
Enrique Baleriola, doctor en Persona y Sociedad en el Mundo Contemporáneo (UAB, 2017). Actualmente es investigador especializado en el análisis de políticas públicas, su implementación en diferentes organizaciones, y la gestión de estas. El énfasis de su trabajo se centra en las personas no expertas para buscar formas de hacer otro tipo de política y […]