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David Mauricio Adriano Solodkow

Associate professor in Latin American Literature at Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Ph.D.and MA. of the Vanderbilt University (Nashville, Tennessee). Research: “Etnógrafos coloniales: escritura, alteridad y eurocentrismo en la Conquista de América”. Certificate in Latin American Studies. His interest are biopolitics, literature and anthropology.

Daniel Toscano

Ph.D. in Philosophy for the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Master in Philosophy and Master in Political Studies of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá-Colombia. Bachelor in Philosophy of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. He is a research and professor of the University del Desarrollo (Santiago-Chile). Research interest are biopolitics, bioethics, Political Philosophy.   Doctor en Filosofía, Pontificia […]

Adrián José Perea Acevedo

Professor in Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia. Bachelor in Philosophy, Universidad Santo Tomás. Master in Philosophy of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana with a thesis on freedom, power and resistence in Michel Foucault’s thought. Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. His research interest are biopolitics and guvernamentality.  

Abdénago Yate-Arévalo

Ph.D. candidate in Bioethics of the Universidad El Bosque, Colombia. Master in Research of contemporary social problems of the Universidad Central, Colombia. Industrial Designer, researcher and author of several papers on ethics and biopolitics. 


Floro Hermes Gómez Pineda

Medical doctor, PhD in Political Studies. He is Research Professor of Social and Humanistic, Faculty of Health Sciences at the Free University in Cali, Colombia. His PhD thesis is: The conditions for a biopolitics in Colombia between 1904 and 1948. A Foucauldian reading.


Rodrigo Castro Orellana

PhD in Philosophy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Máster in Philosophy of the Universidad de Chile and Bachelor in Philosophy of the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. He has been professor in several Chilean universities: Universidad Andrés Bello, Universidad de Valparaíso, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias […]


Nicolás Del Valle O.

Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy at Leiden Universiteit, MA. in Contemporary Thought and BA. in Political Science. Currently he is Director of the Journal Pléyade ISSN: 0718-655X and Visiting Researcher at the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut of Berlin, Germany. Also he is editor of the book “La Actualidad de la Crítica. Ensayos sobre la Escuela de Frankfurt” (Metales […]


Miguel Ruiz Stull

Professor in the Arts Faculty of the Universidad de Chile. PhD in Philosophy from the Universidad de Chile. His main areas of research are vitalism in philosophy and theories of experience, particularly in Lucretius, Hume, Kant, Bergson, Deleuze, Canguilhem and Foucault. He is author of Tiempo y experiencia. Variaciones en torno a Henri Bergson (Fondo […]


Rodrigo Karmy Bolton

Master in Philosophy, Universidad de Chile, with a thesis on Giorgio Agamben. Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Universidad de Chile with a thesis entitled “Politics of In(Ex)-carnation. Elements of a Genealogy of Biopolitics.” He is currently professor and researcher in the Center for Arabic Studies in the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, Universidad de Chile. […]

Adán Salinas A.

Chilean. Professor of philosophy and degree in education by the UCSH. Master in philosophy, with distinction in moral and political philosophy from the University of Chile. Master of advanced studies in philosophy by the Complutense University of Madrid. Currently make a Phd research in the Complutense University of Madrid, through funding of CONICYT. His doctoral […]

Nicolás Muñoz-Saldaña

Sociologist from the Universidad de Concepción, Chile (UdeC).  He works specially in Biopolitics of the life forms and everyday life through a deconstructive sociology, in which its limits with anthropology, semiotics, social psychology and political philosophy blur.  He has put his attention in the militant research about the discoursive-practices of the non-traditional-left, and his main […]


Mario Ociel Moya

Master’s in Anthropology and Ph.D. candidate from the Northern Catholic University (UCN) and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Tarapacá (UTA), Chile. Graduate from the  Master degree in Aging and Quality of Life, INTA, University of Chile. Anthropologist and a BA in Anthropology from the Bolivarian University. He has completed a pre-doctoral research […]


Matías L. Saidel

Ph.D. in Political Philosophy from the  Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Naples, Italy. His doctoral dissertation addressed the problem of community in the thought of Nancy, Agamben and Esposito. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at CONICET (UCSF) and a lecturer in political theory at USAL (Argentina). His research project focuses on the common and […]

Mauricio Berger

Bachelor in Social Communication of the Universidad de Córdoba, Argentina. Ph.D. in Social Sciences of the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Post-doctoral Fellow of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina (CONICET). His research project: Instituciones de lo Común: Redes en Justicia Ambiental en América Latina. Professor of Politics and Communication at Universidad […]

Vignny Moreno

Bachelor’s degree in philosophy who graduated from the University of Zulia in master’s degree in the same discipline, community social worker who graduated from the University of Havana. Currently is general secretary of the Association of indigenous writers ” Dr. Miguel Ángel Jusayù ” of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, has been published in the […]

Silvana P. Vignale

Is Professor of Philosophy, at the Department of Philosophy and Letters at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. Fellow of the National Commission for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). PhD National University of Lanus, with thesis project whose theme is the issue of subjectivity inMichel Foucault and Arturo Roig. He is currently Professor of Philosophy andProfessor of Practical Chief Socio-cultural Anthropology at the Department ofPsychology at the University of Aconcagua, and Appointed Professor of Philosophical Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.Developed together with the research team at the University of Aconcagua in the research project: “Relationships between psychoanalysis and political philosophy.Review categories and Discussions”. Researcher at the Institute of Argentina andAmerican Philosophy, FFyL, UNCuyo. Integrates project research teams from CONICET and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Graduate Studies (SECTYP)of UNCU. Member of the Center for […]

Constanza Serratore

Graduated with Degree in Philosophy. Currently working on her Doctorate in philosophy (Ph D) at the Universidad Nacional de San Martin and a schollar fellow of CONICET. Her doctoral thesis focuses on the question of the ontology of life in the work of Roberto Esposito. She currently works as a concoursed professor in the Department […]

Andrea Torrano

Andrea Torrano, dra. en Filosofía. Es investigadora del CIECS-CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) y profesora de filosofía de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales-UNC. Dirige el proyecto de investigación SeCyT-UNC CONSOLIDAR (2018-2021) “Biosubjetividades. Neoliberalismo, Control y Resistencias” (https://sociales.unc.edu.ar/content/biosubjetividades-neoliberalismo-control-y-resistencias) Líneas de investigación: Biopolítica, Estudios sobre la monstruosidad, Seguridad, Tecnología y Feminismos. andreatorrano@yahoo.com.ar Andrea Torrano, […]

Natalia Taccetta

Natalia Taccetta is professor of philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires. She is finishing her master’s thesis on the possibility of the filmmaker as figure of subjectivity, from the production of authors such as Giorgio Agamben, GeorgeDidi-Huberman y Hayden White. It also is a fellow of CONICET with her doctoral project from which she is trying to propose the construction of alternative historical senses from the perspective of Walter Benjamin. He teaches film and philosophy since 2003. And her special interests are esthetics, political philosophy and philosophy of history.

Agostina Marchi

Agostina Marchi has a BA degree in Political Science and is currently an MA student in Cultural Studies at the School of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. She is an Assistant Professor at the School of Law of the University of Buenos Aires and an Assistant Researcher to UBACyT project 2010-2012 “Historia filosófica de la doctrina […]

Fabián Ludueña Romandini

Researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (conicet) and the Instituto de Investigaciones “Gino Germani” (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires). He is Full professor of Philosophy and Ethics at the uade University (Argentina) and conducts a post-graduate seminar on political philosophy at the Faculty of Social Sciences (University of […]


Patricia Chantefort

Professor of Secondary and Higher Education in Philosophy. Faculty of Arts, National University of Cuyo. Degree in Philosophy. Faculty of Arts, National University of Cuyo. Specialist in University Teaching. National University of Cuyo. Master of Contemporary Practical Philosophy. Faculty of Humanities at the National University of Mar del Plata. Topic: “Michel Foucault and biopolitics. An […]


Mauro Benente

He studied Law at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). He is PhD candidate in Law (UBA) PhD Doctoral Fellow of the National Scientific and Technical Research with a project entitled: “The role of law in biopolitical discourse”. He is Researcher at the Institute of Legal and Social Research “A.L. Gioja”. He is professor at […]

Castor Bartolomé Ruiz

Graduate at Filosofia from Universidade de Comillas (1984), graduate at Filosofia from Faculdades Ipiranga (1990), master’s at History from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1994) and ph.d. at Filosofia from Universidad de Deusto (1999). Has experience in Philosophy, acting on the following subjects, :ethics, power, alterity,  subjetivity and  violence. Chair holder Unisinos  human […]

Daniel Tirado Ramírez

Sociologist. Currently student of the Magíster en Intervención Social Program and researcher in the Programa de Políticas Públicas y Ciudadanía of the Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile. He has published studies and research on Bolivian social movements, trade unionism on the Chilean banking system, citizen participation and child and adolescent rights and also directed the documentary […]

Ítalo San Martín

Sociologist. Currently student of the Magíster en Intervención Social Program and researcher in the Programa de Políticas Públicas y Ciudadanía of the Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile. He has published studies and research on Bolivian social movements, trade unionism on the Chilean banking system, citizen participation and child and adolescent rights and also directed the documentary […]

Felipe Ramírez Hinrichsen

Is psychologist and bachelor in psychology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile, and Master in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with children and adolescents of the Alberto Hurtado University, Chile. Member of the College of Psychologist of New Brunswick, Canada. Specialized on child and adolescent psychotherapy and psychosocial problems, his research line refers to the relation […]

Roberto Bruna

Roberto Bruna holds a BA in Political Science. Is obtaining the degree of Master in Philosophy major in axiology and political philosophy at the Universidad de Chile, with the thesis “The violence of the law. The right to the violence”. His work in recent years has been engaged primarily to investigate the relationship between the […]