Beyond Biopolitics: Theory, Violence, and Horror in World Politics (Interventions)

Author: Debrix, Francois and Barder, Alexander D.
Publisher: Routledge Publisher, 2011

Beyond Biopolitics exposes the conceptual limits of critical biopolitical approaches to violence, war, and terror in the post-9/11-War on Terror era.This volume shows that such popular international political theories rely upon frames of representation that leave out of focus a series of extreme forms of gruesome violence that have no concern for the preservation of […]

Foucault on Politics, Security and War

Author: Michael Dillon
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011

Foucault on Politics, Security and War interrogates Foucault’s controversial genealogy of modern biopolitics. These essays situate Foucault’s arguments, clarify the correlation of sovereign and bio-power and examine the relation of bios, nomos and race in relation to modern war.

Una vita. Pensiero selvaggio e filosofia dell’ intensità

Author: Federico Luisetti
Publisher: Mimesis Edizioni, 2011

What is the legacy of Gilles Deleuze’s thought? Is it possible to separate his transcendental vitalism from the naturalist vitalism of Henri Bergson and Friedrich Nietzsche? Through a dialogue with these authors and a discussion of biopolitics, the historical Avantgardes and contemporary art, the book describes the contest between a “wild” thought of life and […]

Biology and Politics: The Cutting Edge

Author: Albert Somit, Steven A. Peterson
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2011

This volume examines cutting edge research in the study of biology and politics. Following an introduction from the editors it is divided into two main sections. The first part of the book explores the linkage between evolution, genetics and politics with initial chapters on abandoned baby legislation, a model of action and norms, and the […]

Biopolitics: An Advanced Introduction

Author: Thomas Lemke
Publisher: New York University Press, 2011

The biological features of human beings are now measured, observed, and understood in ways never before thought possible, defining norms, establishing standards, and determining average values of human life. While the notion of “biopolitics” has been linked to everything from rational decision-making and the democratic organization of social life to eugenics and racism, Thomas Lemke […]

Reproductive Disruptions: Gender, Technology, and Biopolitics in the New Millennium (Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality)

Author: Marcia Inhorn
Publisher: , 2011

Reproductive disruptions, such as infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, and childhood disability, are among the most distressing experiences in people s lives. Based on research by leading medical anthropologists from around the world, this book examines such issues as local practices detrimental to safe pregnancy and birth; conflicting reproductive goals between women and men; miscommunications between […]

Políticas de la interrupción. Ensayos sobre Giorgio Agamben

Author: Rodrigo Karmy Bolton
Publisher: Ediciones Escaparate, 2011

Intempestivamente, Nietzsche enseñaba que la pregunta filosófica más radical es aquella que ha volcado su pasión al oscuro ámbito de la vida. En este sentido, quizás sea posible decir que la escena filosófica contemporánea no sea otra cosa más que una continua experimentación que busca modos de tocar la vida, en tanto la deriva posthistórica […]

Michel Foucault: Neoliberalismo y biopolítica

Author: Vanessa Lemm
Publisher: (editora). Editorial Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile, 2010

El volumen, que incluye textos de varios asociados de nuestra red, surge a partir de las ponencias presentadas en la conferencia internacional “Michel Foucault, biopolítica y neoliberalismo: las nuevas formas de gubernamentalidad”, que se realizó el 23 y 24 de septiembre del 2008 en la Universidad Diego Portales de Santiago. Dicha conferencia, organizada por el […]

Against Health: How Health Became the New Morality

Author: Jonathan Metzl y Anna Kirkland
Publisher: New York University Press, 2010

You see someone smoking a cigarette and say,”Smoking is bad for your health,” when what you mean is, “You are a bad person because you smoke.” You encounter someone whose body size you deem excessive, and say, “Obesity is bad for your health,” when what you mean is, “You are lazy, unsightly, or weak of […]

Governmentality: Current Issues and Future Challenges

Author: Thomas Lemke
Publisher: , 2010

Examining questions of statehood, biopolitics, sovereignty, neoliberal reason and the economy, Governmentality explores the advantages and limitations of adopting Michel Foucault’s concept of governmentality as an analytical framework. Contributors highlight the differences as well as possible convergences with alternative theoretical frameworks. By assembling authors with a wide range of different disciplinary backgrounds, from philosophy, literature, […]

Global Governance and Biopolitics: Regulating Human Security

Author: David Roberts
Publisher: , 2010

This book offers a powerful critique of mainstream ideas of global governance. Going beyond recent critiques of “human security” as a fundamentally incoherent concept, David Roberts offers practical political responses to the genuine problems facing the most threatened human populations worldwide. Focusing on water provision and sanitation, he takes a bottom-up approach to reduce avoidable […]

Insuring Security: Biopolitics, Security and Risk

Author: Luis Lobo-Guerrero
Publisher: Taylor & Francis, 2010

Insurance is the world “s largest economic industry, providing a form of security that more than triples global defence expenditure. However, little is know about the form of security insurance provides. This book offers a genealogical interrogation of the relationship between security and risk through its materialisation in insurance. This work seeks to argue that […]

Biometrics: Bodies, Technologies, Biopolitics

Author: Joseph Pugliese
Publisher: Routledge Publisher, 2010

Biometric technologies, such as finger- or facial-scan, are being deployed across a variety of social contexts in order to facilitate and guarantee identity verification and authentication. In the post-9/11 world, biometric technologies have experienced an extraordinary period of growth as concerns about security and screening have increased. This book analyses biometric systems in terms of […]

A Foucault for the 21st Century: Governmentality, Biopolitics and Discipline in the New Millennium

Author: Sam Binkley y Jorge Capetillo, eds.
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010

How relevant is Foucault’s social thought to the world we inhabit today? This collection comprises several essays considering the contemporary relevance of the work of Michel Foucault. While Foucault is best remembered for his historical inquiries into the origins of ‘disciplinary’ society in a period extending from the 16th to the 19th centuries, it seems […]

Governare l’ambiente. La crisi ecologica tra poteri, saperi e conflitti

Author: Ottavio Marzocca
Publisher: Mimesis Edizioni, 2010

In questo volume viene presentato un ricco ventaglio di analisi della crisi ecologica con l’intento di superare la tendenza a ridurne la percezione alla pur grave questione climatico-energetica e alla rassegnata presa d’atto delle difficoltà a risolverla. La strada scelta dagli autori è quella di restituire al problema ambientale tutta la sua densità politica, sociale ed […]

Historia de la gubernamentalidad. Razón de estado, liberalismo y neoliberalismo en Michel Foucault

Author: Santiago Castro-Gómez
Publisher: Siglo del Hombre Editores, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana- Instituto Pensar y Universidad Santo Tomás, 2010

Las lecciones de 1978 y 1979 dictadas por Foucault en el Collège de France y publicadas luego bajo los títulos Seguridad, territorio, población y Nacimiento de la biopolítica, ocupan un lugar singular en el conjunto de la obra del filósofo. Podría decirse que estos cursos, agrupados con el nombre de Historia de la gubernamentalidad, representan una ruptura frente al trabajo que […]

Biopolitics and the Emergence of Modern Architecture

Author: Sven-Olov Wallenstein
Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009

Biopolitics and the Emergence of Modern Architecture concerns the dissolution of the classical paradigm of architecture as imitative form in the context of the French Enlightenment, and analyzes the emergence of a new logic of architecture based on a biopolitical process of subject formation. Wallenstein draws especially on the late work of Michel Foucault for his […]

What Is Posthumanism?

Author: Cary Wolfe
Publisher: University of Minnesota Press, 2009

Can a new kind of humanities—posthumanities—respond to the redefinition of humanity’s place in the world by both the technological and the biological or “green” continuum in which the “human” is but one life form among many? Exploring this radical repositioning, Cary Wolfe ranges across bioethics, cognitive science, animal ethics, gender, and disability to develop a […]

Nietzsche’s Animal Philosophy. Culture, Politics, and the Animality of the Human Being

Author: Vanessa Lemm
Publisher: Fordham University Press, 2009

This book explores the significance of human animality in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and provides the first systematic treatment of the animal theme in Nietzsche’s corpus as a whole. Lemm argues that the animal is neither a random theme nor a metaphorical device in Nietzsche’s thought. Instead, it stands at the center of his […]

Cuerpo, Biopolítica y Control Social

Author: Marisa Miranda y Álvaro Girón Sierra.
Publisher: Editorial Siglo XXI, 2009

Este texto indaga diversas ideologías de control social en torno a las cuales se organizaron en Latinoamérica y Europa occidental, durante los siglos XIX y XX, variadas expresiones biopolíticas tendientes a normalizar al individuo y a la sociedad. En efecto, sabido es que desde las pretensas legitimaciones otorgadas por la teoría de la degeneración, el […]

The Italian Difference: Between Nihilism and Biopolitics

Author: Chiesa, Lorenzo and Toscano, Alberto
Publisher: RE Press, 2009

This volume brings together essays by different generations of Italian thinkers which address, whether in affirmative, problematizing or genealogical registers, the entanglement of philosophical speculation and political proposition within recent Italian thought. Nihilism and biopolitics, two concepts that have played a very prominent role in theoretical discussions in Italy, serve as the thematic foci around […]

A Foucault for the 21st Century: Governmentality, Biopolitics and Discipline in the New Millennium

Author: Binkley, Sam and Capetillo Jorge (Eds.)
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing., 2009

In April 2008, sociologists and related academics journeyed to Boston from across North America and Europe to attend the fifth annual Social Theory Forum, which was devoted to clarifying the central theoretical legacy of French philosopher Michel Foucault (1926-84) and applying his ideas to a range of contemporary empirical phenomena. The 24 papers look at […]

Von der Biopolitik zur Psychomacht [De la Biopolítica y el psicopoder]

Author: Bernard Stiegler
Publisher: Ed. Suhrkamp., 2009

En La lógica del Cuidado Bernard Stiegler describió el cambio epocal del sistema de educación: Valores y saber ya no son transmitidos de una generación a otra, sino a través de los medios. Éstos,  no dan lugar a ciudadanos íntegros, sino a consumidores que pierden su capacidad de asumir responsabilidades. Al diagnóstico le sigue ahora su confrontación […]

A Body Worth Defending: Immunity, Biopolitics, and the Apotheosis of the Modern Body

Author: Cohen, Ed.
Publisher: Duke University Press, 2009

Biological immunity as we know it does not exist until the late nineteenth century. Nor does the premise that organisms defend themselves at the cellular or molecular levels. For nearly two thousand years “immunity,” a legal concept invented in ancient Rome, serves almost exclusively political and juridical ends. “Self-defense” also originates in a juridico-political context; […]

Bio-Politics and the Emergence of Modern Architecture

Author: Wallenstein Sven-Olov
Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press., 2009

Biopolitics and the Emergence of Modern Architecture concerns the dissolution of the classical paradigm of architecture as imitative form in the context of the French Enlightenment, and analyzes the emergence of a new logic of architecture based on a biopolitical process of subject formation. Wallenstein draws especially on the late work of Michel Foucault for his […]

Deleuze and Law: Forensic Futures.

Author: Editores: Rosi Braidotti, Claire Colebrook y Patrick Hanafin.
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillian, 2009

This collection shows how Deleuze’s ideas have influenced current thinking in legal philosophy. In particular, it explores the relations between law and life, addressing topics that are contested and controversial — war, the right to life, genetic science, and security.

Missing Bodies: The Politics of Visibility

Author: Monica Casper and Lisa Moore
Publisher: NY Press, 2009

We know more about the physical body—how it begins, how it responds to illness, even how it decomposes—than ever before. Yet not all bodies are created equal, some bodies clearly count more than others, and some bodies are not recognized at all. In Missing Bodies, Monica J. Casper and Lisa Jean Moore explore the surveillance, manipulations, […]

Toward a Global Thin Community. Nietzsche, Foucault and the Cosmopolitan Commitment

Author: Mark Olssen
Publisher: Paradigm Publishers, 2009

Toward a Global Thin Community reexamines aspects of the liberal-communitarian debate. Although critical of both traditions, this book argues that a coherent form of communitarianism is the only plausible option for citizens today. Using the theories of Frederich Nietzsche and Michel Foucault, Olssen shows how we can overcome traditional problems with communitarianism by using an […]

Lexique de biopolitique. Les pouvoirs sur la vie

Author: R. Brandimarte, P. Chiantera-Stutte, P. Di Vittorio, O. Marzocca, O. Romano, A. Russo, A. Simone (sous la direction de)
Publisher: , 2009

Esta nueva publicación de ediciones érès es un verdadero manual que permite afrontar conscientemente los desafíos del presente, el Lexique de biopolitique constituye una suerte de brújula crítica y analítica, ofreciendo puntos de referencia útiles a todos. A través de los 60 términos que desarrollan restituyéndoles toda su profundidad histórica, los autores hacen un balance de las […]