Global Health: Why Cultural Perceptions, Social Representations, and Biopolitics Matter

Author: Nichter, Mark
Publisher: The University of Arizona Press, 2008

In this lesson-packed book, Mark Nichter, one of the world’s leading medical anthropologists, summarizes what more than a quarter-century of health social science research has contributed to international health and elucidates what social science research can contribute to global health and the study of biopolitics in the future. Nichter focuses on our cultural understanding of […]

Biopolitics and the ‘Obesity Epidemic’: Governing Bodies (Routledge Studies in Health and Social Welfare)

Author: Wright, Jan and Hardwood, Valerie
Publisher: Routledge Publisher, 2008

Biopolitics and the ‘Obesity Epidemic’ is the first edited collection of critical perspectives on the ‘obesity epidemic.’ The volume provides a comprehensive discussion of current issues in the critical analysis of health, obesity and society, and the impact of obesity discourses on different individuals, social groups and institutions. Contributors from the UK, Canada, New Zealand […]

The Biopolitics of Breast Cancer: Changing Cultures of Disease and Activism

Author: Klawiter, Maren
Publisher: University of Minessota Press., 2008

For nearly forty years, feminists and patient activists have argued that medicine is a deeply individualizing and depoliticizing institution. According to this view, medical practices are incidental to people’s transformation from patients to patient activists. The Biopolitics of Breast Cancer turns this understanding upside down. Maren Klawiter analyzes the evolution of the breast cancer movement to […]

Global Health: Why Cultural Perceptions, Social Representations, and Biopolitics Matter

Author: Nichter, Mark
Publisher: , 2008

In this lesson-packed book, Mark Nichter, one of the world’s leading medical anthropologists, summarizes what more than a quarter-century of health social science research has contributed to international health and elucidates what social science research can contribute to global health and the study of biopolitics in the future. Nichter focuses on our cultural understanding of […]

Foucault in an Age of Terror: Essays on Biopolitics and the Defence of Society

Author: Editors: Stephen Morton and Stephen Bygrave
Publisher: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008

Rethinking Foucault in an Age of Terror focuses on the relationship between literary culture, power, society and war, assessing the critical importance of Michel Foucault’s lecture series Society Must Be Defended for contemporary debates about war and terror in literary and cultural studies, as well as social and political thought.Foucault’s Society Must Be Defended develops his historical investigations of power and […]

Governmentality, Biopower, and Everyday Life

Author: Majia Holmer Nadesan
Publisher: Routledge Publisher, 2008

Governmentality, Biopower, and Everyday Life synthesizes and extends the disparate strands of scholarship on Foucault’s notions of governmentality and biopower and grounds them in familiar social contexts including the private realm, the market, and the state/military. Topics include public health, genomics, behavioral genetics, neoliberal market logics and technologies, philanthropy, and the war on terror.This book is […]

Eine Genealogie der Biopolitik

Author: Maria Muhle
Publisher: , 2008

Este volumen tiene un estudio genealógico de la noción foucaultiana de “biopolítica”. Esto sólo puede lograrse a través de una aclaración de la noción -hasta ahora desatendida en la investigación- de vida en la que se basa la comprensión del término de biopolítica. Esto demuestra que la vida biopolítica no es -como se afirma a […]

Gouvermentalität und Biopolitik

Author: Thomas Lemke
Publisher: , 2008

“Olvídense de Foucault” – Esta fue la provocadora llamada Jean Baudrillard en la década de 1970. Un cuarto de siglo más tarde, la preocupación de las ciencias sociales por las obras del historiador y filósofo francés es más intensa que nunca. En los últimos años, dos conceptos han llamado la atención de manera particular: gubernamentalidad […]

Life as Surplus: Biotechnology and Capitalism in the Neoliberal Era

Author: Melinda Cooper
Publisher: University of Washington Press, 2008

Focusing on the period between the 1970s and the present, “Life as Surplus” is a pointed and important study of the relationship between politics, economics, science, and cultural values in the United States today. Melinda Cooper demonstrates that the history of biotechnology cannot be understood without taking into account the simultaneous rise of neo-liberalism as […]

Bios: Biopolitics and Philosophy

Author: Roberto Esposito
Publisher: University of Minnesota Press, 2008

Esposito begins with a long and careful discussion of Foucault’s understanding of biopolitics, finding it lacking on two points. Not unlike Lemke, Esposito also finds that in Foucault the veritable relationship between life and law still remains enigmatic. One is never sure in Foucault if biopolitics, as part of the evolution of governmentality in the […]

Tactical Biopolitics. Art, Activism, and Technoscience

Author: Beatriz da Costa and Kavita Philip (Eds)
Publisher: MIT Press, 2008

Popular culture in this “biological century” seems to feed on proliferating fears, anxieties, and hopes around the life sciences at a time when such basic concepts as scientific truth, race and gender identity, and the human itself are destabilized in the public eye. Tactical Biopolitics suggests that the political challenges at the intersection of life, […]

Foucault y el cuidado de la libertad. Ética para un rostro de arena

Author: Rodrigo Castro Orellana
Publisher: LOM Ediciones, 2008

Este ensayo filosófico propone desentrañar las alternativas, quizá las “vías de salida”, que subyacen en el pensamiento de Michel Foucault frente a los problemas y laberintos tejidos en su propia construcción teórica. Para muchos, la teoría “foucaultiana” es una de las críticas más radicales de la modernidad que se hayan articulado en la filosofía contemporánea. […]

Chinese Modernity and Global Biopolitics: Studies in Literature and Visual Culture

Author: Sheldon H. Lu
Publisher: , 2007

This ambitious work is a multimedia, interdisciplinary study of Chinese modernity in the context of globalization from the late nineteenth century to the present. Sheldon Lu draws on Chinese literature, film, art, photography, and video to broadly map the emergence of modern China in relation to the capitalist world-system in the economic, social, and political […]

Polygraph 18: Biopolitics, Narrative, Temporality” (special Edition, 2007)

Author: Rodger Frey and Alexander Ruch (eds.)
Publisher: Polygraph: An International Journal of Culture and Politics; 1st edition., 2007

Polygraph 18: Biopolitics, Narrative, Temporality This issue of Polygraph takes up the recent theories of Foucault, Deleuze, Agamben, and Hardt & Negri about the contemporary reformation of political forces around the issue of life. While these thinkers all present different pictures of what biopolitics might mean for the present, they are united in identifying life […]

Biopolitik zur Einführung

Author: Thomas Lemke
Publisher: , 2007

Lemke sitúa el acercamiento de Foucault a la biopolítica en el proyecto de una genealogía de las formas de gubernamentalidad. Visto en este contexto, la biopolítica denota el uso de las concepciones de normalidad derivadas de las ciencias humanas y naturales con el fin de construir la política como un poder normalizador. Esta facultad de […]