Paolo Castoro graduated from the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” with a degree in Social Ethics. He focuses on themes related to the ethical-political evolutions of the modern and contemporary world. Among his interests are the relationship between economy and politics, the spatial transformations of life in common, and the effects of power relations on […]
Researchers in Italy

Roberta Raffaeta
Roberta Raffaetà is an anthropologist working at the intersection between medical anthropology, political ecology and science & technology studies. My research question is how to live well in an entangled and more-than-human world, given that we nurture but also hurt each other by the very fact of being in relation. In recent years, I have explored how scientists produce […]

Simona Forti
Professor of Political Philosophy at Piemonte Orientale University, Italy. She is a coordinating member of “FINO”, PhD International Program in Philosophy of the Northwestern Italian Universities Consortium. Currently she is Visiting Professor at The News School for Social Research, Philosophy Department. Simona Forti is Principal Investigator in the Grant Awarded Project, by HERA JRP “Uses of the […]

Ottavio Marzocca
Professor of Ethical-Political Philosophy and Ethics and Politics of the Common World at the Università degli Studi di Bari ‘Aldo Moro’ (Italy), where he has also taught Philosophical Anthropology (1993-2001), and Moral-Political Philosophy (2001-2002). Currently, he is on the faculty of the Department of Humanities, and is a teacher of the PhD Course in “Humanities” […]
Massimo Gelardi
Massimo Gelardi received his B.A. Degree in Political Science (thesis on the biography and the political theory of Malcolm X) and was awarded his Ph.D. in Philosophy of Social Sciences (dissertation on the logical-political ontology of racial categories in the US). He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Philosophy and Cognitive Science and taught postgraduate courses […]
Roberto Esposito
Profesor de filosofía teórica en el Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane en Napoles y Florencia. Uno de los principales pensadores de la biopolítica en el mundo; el profesor Esposito está actualmente trabajando sobre la relación entre el concepto de “persona” en la historia del pensamiento occidental y la biopolitica.
Massimo De Carolis
Enseña filosofía teórica en la Universidad de Salerno, Italia. Es colaborador del diario “il Manifesto” y co-fundador de las revistas “Luogo comune” y “Forme di vita”. Es autor de numerosos libros entre los cuales dos sobre temas de biopolítica: La vida en la época de su reproducibilidad técnica (Bollati-Boringhieri 2004) y La paradoja antropológica (Quodlibet 2008).
Sergio Benvenuto
Es investigador del C.N.R. (Consejo Italiano para la Investigación Cientifica) en el Instituto de Ciencias Cognitivias y Tecnologías en Roma (ISTC). Sus areas de inevstigación son la psicología social, la filosofía de las ciencias sociales, la psicoanálisis, y “cultural studies”. Desde 1995 se desempeña como editor de la revista “Journal of European Psychoanalysis” publicada en […]
Edoardo Balletta
Doctor en literaturas hispanoamericanas de la Universidad de Bolonia, ha estudiado también en París y Buenos Aires. Sus intereses se concentran sobre poesía hispanoamericana contemporánea, representación de la historia en los artefactos culturales y biopolítica y literatura. Además de artículos en revistas internacionales, ha publicado Tu svástica en las tripas. Retorica del corpo e storia in […]
Francesco Paolo Adorno
Doctor en Letras, Profesor de Filosofía Moral en la Universidad de Salerno –Italia. Es especialista en la obra de Michel Foucault y en filosofía política moderna. También se ha especializado en la investigación sobre el pensamiento de Pascal et de Port-Royal. Ha publicado varios ensayos sobre filosofía moral y política contemporánea. Acaba de publicarse en […]