Professor of North American History at Erfurt University. His research focuses on the history of violence, families, bodies, sports and genders. His latest book on Die Ordnung des Sozialen (Governing Through the Family; Campus, 2013) won the Adams Award of the Organization of American Historians. Since 2012, he has been running several third party funded research projects […]
Anthropologist with studies in Chile, Mexico, Spain, and Germany. He holds his PhD in Social Anthropology from Universidad de Barcelona (2010) with Doctor Europeus mention. He has participated in several researches, conferences and congress on prision systems and biopower in the contemporary society. Also he is member of the Research Group on Social Control and Exclusion GRECS […]
Ernesto Mieles-González is currently a PhD student of sociology at Free University of Berlin. The topic of his dissertation is “Legal Mobilization in Transitional Justice Settings”. He holds a Law degree and a Master’s in Law (MA) both from the National University of Colombia. He was a law clerk of the Constitutional Court of Colombia […]
Ute Tellmann is currently assistant professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Hamburg. She studied sociology in Toronto, Berlin and Bielefeld, where she received a diploma in Sociology. She did her doctoral degree in Political Theory at Cornell University (2007). Her dissertation focuses on the genealogy of the economic in liberalism, attending to the […]
Estudios universitarios de filosofía y pensamiento político en Madrid y París. Doctorado en co-tutela en las universidades Saint-Denis Paris 8 y Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder en 2007, con el título “Una genealogía de la biopolítica. La noción de vida en el pensamiento de Foucault y Canguilhem”. Desde 2008 profesor asistente en la Fakultät Medien, Professur Theorie und […]
Professor of Sociology with focus on Biotechnologies, Nature and Society at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main in Germany. His main research interests are political theory, sociology of organization, biopolitics, and the social study of genetic and reproductive technologies.
Studied philosophy, English and American literary and cultural studies and German literature at the Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena (2000-2002) and the Universität Potsdam (2002-2006). At the Universität Potsdam, he received his M.A. in 2006 and his PhD in 2012. Selected publications: Ebke, Thomas. 2008. Doppelaspekt des Lebens und Zwiefachheit der physis: Ein systematischer Vergleich zwischen […]
Doctor de la Universidad de Siegen. Enseña teoría de la cultura en la Facultad de medios de Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Sus líneas de investigación más importantes son la biopolitica, el pensamiento crítico frances, y el estudio teórico de los medios de comunicación y la cultura.