Master candidate in Moral Philosophy, Universidad de Concepción. Lawyer, Universidad de Concepción. Professor at Department of History and Philosophy, Universidad de Concepción.
Researchers in Chile

Rodrigo Castro Orellana
PhD in Philosophy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Máster in Philosophy of the Universidad de Chile and Bachelor in Philosophy of the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. He has been professor in several Chilean universities: Universidad Andrés Bello, Universidad de Valparaíso, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias […]

Nicolás Del Valle O.
Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy at Leiden Universiteit, MA. in Contemporary Thought and BA. in Political Science. Currently he is Director of the Journal Pléyade ISSN: 0718-655X and Visiting Researcher at the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut of Berlin, Germany. Also he is editor of the book “La Actualidad de la Crítica. Ensayos sobre la Escuela de Frankfurt” (Metales […]

Miguel Ruiz Stull
Professor in the Arts Faculty of the Universidad de Chile. PhD in Philosophy from the Universidad de Chile. His main areas of research are vitalism in philosophy and theories of experience, particularly in Lucretius, Hume, Kant, Bergson, Deleuze, Canguilhem and Foucault. He is author of Tiempo y experiencia. Variaciones en torno a Henri Bergson (Fondo […]

Rodrigo Karmy Bolton
Master in Philosophy, Universidad de Chile, with a thesis on Giorgio Agamben. Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Universidad de Chile with a thesis entitled “Politics of In(Ex)-carnation. Elements of a Genealogy of Biopolitics.” He is currently professor and researcher in the Center for Arabic Studies in the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, Universidad de Chile. […]
Adán Salinas A.
Chilean. Professor of philosophy and degree in education by the UCSH. Master in philosophy, with distinction in moral and political philosophy from the University of Chile. Master of advanced studies in philosophy by the Complutense University of Madrid. Currently make a Phd research in the Complutense University of Madrid, through funding of CONICYT. His doctoral […]
Nicolás Muñoz-Saldaña
Sociologist from the Universidad de Concepción, Chile (UdeC). He works specially in Biopolitics of the life forms and everyday life through a deconstructive sociology, in which its limits with anthropology, semiotics, social psychology and political philosophy blur. He has put his attention in the militant research about the discoursive-practices of the non-traditional-left, and his main […]

Mario Ociel Moya
Master’s in Anthropology and Ph.D. candidate from the Northern Catholic University (UCN) and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Tarapacá (UTA), Chile. Graduate from the Master degree in Aging and Quality of Life, INTA, University of Chile. Anthropologist and a BA in Anthropology from the Bolivarian University. He has completed a pre-doctoral research […]
Ítalo San Martín
Sociologist. Currently student of the Magíster en Intervención Social Program and researcher in the Programa de Políticas Públicas y Ciudadanía of the Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile. He has published studies and research on Bolivian social movements, trade unionism on the Chilean banking system, citizen participation and child and adolescent rights and also directed the documentary […]
Felipe Ramírez Hinrichsen
Is psychologist and bachelor in psychology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile, and Master in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with children and adolescents of the Alberto Hurtado University, Chile. Member of the College of Psychologist of New Brunswick, Canada. Specialized on child and adolescent psychotherapy and psychosocial problems, his research line refers to the relation […]
Roberto Bruna
Roberto Bruna holds a BA in Political Science. Is obtaining the degree of Master in Philosophy major in axiology and political philosophy at the Universidad de Chile, with the thesis “The violence of the law. The right to the violence”. His work in recent years has been engaged primarily to investigate the relationship between the […]
Mauricio Amar Díaz
Sociologist, Master in Gender Studies and Culture with the thesis “ideal body. The production of the housewife in women’s magazines between 1910 and 1950.” Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Culture at the University of Chile and is currently a doctoral student in Philosophy: Political and Moral Philosophy mention at the University of Chile. Part of […]

Carlos Araya-Moreno
Carlos Araya (Antofagasta, 1984) is an educator and philosopher. Researcher PhD in Philosophy mention Aesthetics and Theory of Art at the University of Chile. PhD in Philosophy at the University of Valladolid, Spain. Bachelor of Education and Professor of Philosophy at the Metropolitan University of Education Sciences. Extension professor at the University of Chile and […]

Miguel Vatter
Profesor de ciencia política en la Flinders University, Australia. Doctor en Filosofía de la New School for Social Research (EE.UU., 1997), fue profesor de filosofía y ciencia política en varias universidades en EE.UU. y en Chile, y profesor visitante en Alemania. Sus áreas de investigación principales son la historia y la teoría del republicanismo, la […]