Graduate in Anthropology, PhD in Natural Sciences awarded by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum of the National University of La Plata – Area of Anthropology, researcher of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). Head of the chair of Applied Anthropology at the University of Aconcagua. She has participated in research […]
He holds a BA in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) since July 2017. He is currently a Magistrate in Legal Sociology at the National University of La Plata and attends the Secondary, Normal and Special Teaching Staff in Sociology (UBA). He has collaborated in the codification of surveys in the area of […]
I currently serve as a student-researcher in a project led by Mario Gerlero under the framework of the scientific program UBACyT. The project is titled “Rights, sexualities and genders: scope, impact and challenge the effectiveness of national laws 26.618 and 26.743 as remedial Human Rights policies in the context of legal sociology.” Also I have […]
Bachelor in Political Science (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Ph.D. in Philosophy (Universidad Nacional de Lanús, Argentina). Has publish different articles and book chapters on disciplinary societies in sociedades in Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Italian Theory.
Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Master in Scientific Policy, Bachelor in Psychology and Professor in Philosophy of the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Professor at sociology program UBA. Has published El discurso de Foucault . Estado, locura y anormalidad en la construcción del individuo moderno and other books.
Ph.D. in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Master in Sociology of Development and Bachelor in Social Work. Professor in Urban Anthropology of the Faculty of Humanities, Universidad Nacional de Salta in Argentina. His research interests are social policies and the discourse on Human Delevolpment in biopolitics context.
Ph.D in Philosophy (Paris VIII) and Ph.D. in Social Sciences (UNQ), Bachelor in Anthropology (UNR) and postgraduate in Cultural and Artistic Studies STSI-ISI (Bali, Indonesia). His doctoral thesis was “Figuras y conceptos del tiempo en el pensamiento contemporáneo: kairós, actualidad, acontecimiento”. Has developed researches on contemporary philosophy, especially Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Walter Benjamin and Giorgio Agamben E-mail: […]
Professor of Aesthetics at Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Universidad de Buenos Aires. CONICET Fellow. He has published several papers on biopolitics in contemporary philosophy (Nietzsche, Foucault and Agamben).
Bachelor in Political Science of the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), currently she is PhD fellow CONICET.
Ph.D candidate in Social Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Master in Communication, Technology and Power, Université de Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne). Professor and Researcher of the Faculty in Social Sciences UBA and FLACSO (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales). Co-editor in the Journal of Contemporary Art Zettel. He works on Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze.
Bachelor in Sociology of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, currently research fellow UBACyT. His research project is “La biopolítica a través del umbral de la modernidad. La estructuración teórico conceptual de la teoría política contemporánea como biopolítica a través de las obras de Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben y Roberto Esposito”.
Ph.D. in Philosophy of Law, Lawyer and Professor of the Faculty of Law at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Master in Social Sciences of the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) with a thesis entitled: “De la trasgresión a las prácticas de la libertad. Michel Foucault y el pensamiento libertario.” Ph.D candidate in Sociology, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). CONICET Fellow. Researcher of the project “Ciudadanía, Biopolítica y Gobierno de la Seguridad” (PICTO 36647, […]
Ph.D. in Philosophy of the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Profesor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters during 25 years. Researcher of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Author of several books such as Razón imaginativa, identidad y ética en la obra de Paul Ricoeur (Almagesto, 1993), Nietzsche: camino y demora (EUDEBA 1998; 2da edición, Biblios, […]
Bachelor in Philosophy of the Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (UNRC), Argentina. Researcher and Professor of the Universidad Nacional del Comahue (UNCo). His research interests are biopolitics in Latin America and political thought of Michel Foucault, Giorgo Agamben and Antonio Negri.
Professor and Bachelor in Philosophy at Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. CONICYT Fellow. Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile, co-joint program with l’Universite París 8 Saint-Denis. Member of the Journal of Philosophy Paralaje.
Professor and Bachelor in Philosophy at Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. CONICYT Fellow. Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile, co-joint program with l’Universite París 8 Saint-Denis. Member of the Journal of Philosophy Paralaje.
Ph.D. in Philosophy and Professor in Philosophy of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba UNC. CONICET Fellow. Currently develops a research project “Lo normal y lo patológico. Formación y trayectoria de la problemática foucaultiana de la norma, y su recepción en el debate contemporáneo en torno a la biopolítica” at the Research Centre of the Faculty of […]
Bachelor and Master in Philosophy of the University of Paris I, Pantheon-Sorbonne, with a thesis on Henri Bergson. Spanish translator of the Emmanuel Levinas’ works. Currently develops a research thesis on liberalism in Foucault’s writings. Professor of Philosophy at Universidad de Buenos Aires. CONICET Fellow.
Bachelor in Social Communication. Professor and Researcher of the Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral. CONICET Fellow. Has researched on hegemony and neoliberalism in Argentina at 90s.
Ph.D. in Philosphy of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Master in Philosophy of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and Bachelor in Philosophy at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Has been visitant professor at Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Currently is professor at Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires. He is author of several books […]
Bachelor in Political Science (UBA. Argentina). Master in Cultural Sociology and Cultural Analysis (UNSAM-Argentina). Ph.D. in Philosophy at Paris 8, France. Ph.D. in Social Science (UBA-Argentina). Researcher of the Consejo Nacional del Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) at the Research Institute Gino Germani of the Faculty of Social Sciences-UBA.
Ph.D. candidate in Social Science, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Research and Professor at Faculty of Social Science UBA and the del Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales (IDAES) of the Universidad Nacional de General San Martín (UNSAM). Professor of the seminar “Comunidad, biopolítica, cuerpo” (UBA). Editor of the electronic journal Papeles de trabajo (IDAES). Translator with Edgardo […]
Bachelor in Political Science of the Universidad de Buenos Aires (2002). Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Ph.D. in Philosophy, Universidad Nacional de La Plata with a thesis on ethics and politics in Michel Foucault. E-Mail:
Bachelor in Political Science, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. PhD in Political Science of the Northwestern University. Professor of Political Theory at Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile.
Bachelor in Political Science, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Professor of Political and Social Theory of the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Ph.D. candidate in the same university with a scholarship of CONICET. His research project: “La emergencia de la biopolítica en el debate político contemporáneo. Un nuevo campo problemático en las ciencias sociales.
Bachelor in Sociology of the Universidad de Buenos Aires and Ph.D. in Philosophy of the l’ Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne). He published the book La privatización de los cuerpos. La construcción de la proactividad neoliberal en el ámbito de las telecomunicaciones, 1991-2001. Editorial Prometeo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Research at Research Institute Gino Germani, Faculty of Social […]
Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at Universidad del Salvador, Argentina. Her areas of interest are contemporary philosophy, especually the Michel Foucault’s works. Member of the research project “El análisis de la racionalidad política moderna en Michel Foucault: gubernamentalidad y biopolítica” directed by Edgardo Castro.
Ph.D. in Social and Political Sciences and Bachelor in Sociology of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. His research interest are sociology of work, political philosophy and emotions.
Ph.D. in Education from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Master in Education from the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira and Psychologist of the Universidad Católica de Pereira. Professor of the Department of Humanities of the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, of the Postgraduate Department of the Universidad San Sebastián (Chile) and of the Department of Pedagogy of […]