Gonzalo Díaz Letelier


Philosopher, professor at the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities at the Universidad de Santiago. Member of the Critical Studies on Biopolitics and Orientalism Group at the Center of Arab Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at the Universidad de Chile. Visiting professor at the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Universidad de Chile and at the Institute of Advanced Studies at the Universidad de Santiago. Member of the editorial committee of the French journal Actuel Marx Intervenciones in its Chilean variant. Bachelor and Magister in Philosophy obtained at the Universidad de Chile, he is currently writing his dissertation to obtain his Ph.D. in Political Philosophy at the same university: «Ontotheology. Variations on sovereignty and equivalence as metaphysical articulations of humanism». His main lines of research are concentrated in political ontology –deconstruction of the history of western metaphysics and its biopolitical core (the “humanism” and its negative reverses: necropolitics, racism, securitarian paradigm), straight question for the link between theology, metaphysics, aesthetics, power and violence. He is currently projecting this lines toward a research on the forms of sovereignty and government that traverse along the colonial and republican history of Latin America, as an archeology/genealogy of various contemporary phenomena such as State terror and war machines, globalization of capitalism, the flux of migrants and refugees anf the logics of postcoloniality and neocoloniality.

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