Por la grandeza de la Patria. Biopolítica en la España de Franco


Author: Salvador Cayuela Sánchez
Publisher: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2014

The Franco regime had its origin in a bloody civil war that ravaged Spain for nearly three years, drawing a deep and dramatic rift between winners and losers. In the difficult context of the Spanish civil war, violence and widespread fear certainly played  a fundamental role in the institutionalization of the new State. However, the violent seizure of power, which is not extraordinary in the history of humanity, was not nearly sufficient to ensure the sustainability of the new political order. In this sense, the consolidation and legitimization of the dictatorship of General Franco were made possible by the articulation of novel mechanisms of power that were awarded a great stability and a broad social support. The analysis of these mechanisms, and its ability to generate certain forms of being and thinking among the Spaniards of the time, is the main contribution of this book.

Thus, along the planes of historical research, political criticism and philosophical reflection, For the Greatness of the Fatherland gives us a new interpretation not only of the Franco regime, but also of the Nazi and Fascist regimes, in order to expand the horizon of our experience and to help us understand the world in which we live.

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