Stephanie Erev

Stephanie Erev is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Portland State University. Her work has appeared in Environmental HumanitiesDemocratic Theory: An Interdisciplinary Journal, and Political Theory: An International Journal of Political Philosophy, with essays forthcoming in New Political Science and the Handbook of Environmental Politics, Activism, and Theory. Erev’s research and teaching interests include affect theory, ecofeminism, multispecies and extinction studies, pluralism, and process philosophy (Nietzsche, Whitehead, Massumi). Her current book project explores the thesis that the subjective experiences of human beings are best understood as more-than-human compositions. Entitled More-than-Human Subjectivities, it draws upon Michel Foucault’s notion of subjectivation and Gilles Deleuze’s idea of organic synthesis to show how the activities of nonhumans help to compose human experiences of time, colors, sounds, flavors, and even aesthetic preference.

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