Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy at Leiden Universiteit, MA. in Contemporary Thought and BA. in Political Science. Currently he is Director of the Journal Pléyade ISSN: 0718-655X and Visiting Researcher at the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut of Berlin, Germany. Also he is editor of the book “La Actualidad de la Crítica. Ensayos sobre la Escuela de Frankfurt” (Metales Pesados: Santiago Chile, 2015). He has been Visiting Fellow in the School of Humanities and Languages, University of New South Wales, Australia, Associate Professor in Political Sciences at Central University of Chile, Coordinator of the Globalization and Democracy Chair at Universidad Diego Portales, and Director of the Centre for Political Analysis and Research CAIP, Santiago of Chile. His current research areas are contemporary philosophy (critical theory and political philosophy), latin american studies (postcolonial studies and cultural studies) and social studies (human rights, media pluralism, biopolitics and neo-racism).
Nicolás Del Valle O.