Mario Ociel Moya


Master’s in Anthropology and Ph.D. candidate from the Northern Catholic University (UCN) and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Tarapacá (UTA), Chile. Graduate from the  Master degree in Aging and Quality of Life, INTA, University of Chile. Anthropologist and a BA in Anthropology from the Bolivarian University. He has completed a pre-doctoral research fellowship in the Department of Sociology I (Social Change) at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain).


Awarded with a CONICYT Scholarship in 2009. He carried out his doctoral research on scientific formalizations associated with the aging body in Chile, analyzing   knowledge generation in laboratories, about  on lifestyles  pursing a healthy aging. His main areas of work are: Anthropology of scientific knowledge and biopolitics, aging and old age, qualitative research methodologies.


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