In the context of states of war and occupation, trees, rocks, animals and water offer forensic testimonies that articulate a call for ecological justice. Biopolitics of the More-Than-Human refracts the concept of the biopolitical through a non-anthropocentric lens in order to disclose the more-than-human entities that are also the targets of armed conflict and occupation. Focusing on the occupied Palestinian territories, Guantánamo, and the U.S. drone killing fields of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen, the book challenges Euro-anthropocentric assertions of human exceptionalism by focusing on the more-than-human entities that are deeply entangled with their human relations and that have their own claims to ethical consideration. Drawing on Indigenous cosmo-epistemologies, decolonizing and de-anthropocentrizing theories, it maps the intersections of empire, settler colonialism and anthropocentrism, while also delineating the lived practices that challenge and resist these destructive regimes. Through the analytic of “zoopolitics,” it examines how the question of “the animal” inflects and inscribes key categories such as human rights, torture, legal concepts of personhood and lethal biopolitical apparatuses that render both human and nonhuman animals as entities that can be killed with impunity. It also enlarges the biopolitical aperture by bringing into focus a range of different biopolitical modalities that target trees, soil, water and air in a state’s governance of life and death. Situated in the context of different states of war, including the global anthropocenic crisis, the book contends that more-than-human entities persist in articulating the urgent need for an ethical awakening critical to the realization of ecological justice.