Mauricio Amar Díaz

Sociologist, Master in Gender Studies and Culture with the thesis “ideal body. The production of the housewife in women’s magazines between 1910 and 1950.” Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Culture at the University of Chile and is currently a doctoral student in Philosophy: Political and Moral Philosophy mention at the University of Chile. Part of the editorial board of Journal Actuel Marx Intervenciones and the magazine Hoja de Ruta. He has taught sociology of health at the Facultad de Medicina of the University of Chile and the Diploma “The emergence of the body in the Social Sciences” of the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales at the same University. Among his research topics are: the body and governmentality, Palestine as a paradigm of contemporary biopolitics, the in-fancy as a critique of Humanism and the thought of Walter Benjamin and Giorgio Agamben like a search for alternatives to contemporary biopolitics.

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