04, 05, 06 y 07 de agosto de 2015. Salta. Argentina  Organizado por: Facultad de Humanidades Proyecto de Investigación CIUNSa 2079 “Gubernamentalidad y crítica” Proyecto de Investigación SECYT, UNCa.“Biopolítica Situada” Laboratorio de Estudios Políticos y Debates Regionales “Tramas” Consejo Nacional de Investigación Científicas y Técnicas.  Coordinación General: Alejandro Ruidrejo Fundamentación: El Coloquio Internacional sobre […]

Biopolítica, Biociencia y Gubernamentalidad

Biopolítica, Biociencia y Gubernamentalidad 19 de Noviembre de 2015   Esta jornada busca discutir sobre perspectivas actuales en biopolítica y sus cruces con la  biociencia, farmacología y la medicina; así como proponer lecturas que vinculen dichos saberes al individuo y la gubernamentalidad, especialmente en la realidad latinoamericana y chilena en particular.   En 1974, la categoría de […]

Seminario de Biopolítica y Necropolítica Situadas

Convocamos a nuestros colegas, estudiantes de posgrado y tesistas de las diferentes universidades mexicanas, en particular las radicadas en el DF, a reunirnos en un Seminario de Biopolítica y Necropolítica Situadas que desemboque en la elaboración de dos productos: 1. Un libro de texto sobre biopolítica y necropolìtica situada. 2. Un coloquio de estudios sobre […]

MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory, 1-3 September 2015 (Manchester)

Biopolitics 2.0: Life in an Age of Unstable Realities Convener: Dr. Gabriella Calchi-Novati (Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana) Email:  According to Foucault, ‘biopolitics’ is that direct and immediate correlation between politics and life, when life is understood in its strictly biological sense, a practice that from the second half of the eighteenth century […]

Animals in the Anthropocene: Human-animal relations in a changing semiosphere

The Second Call For Papers for the conference “Animals in the Anthropocene: Human-animal relations in a changing semiosphere” (Stavanger, Norway, September 17-19th 2015) has appeared (see conference webpage and 2nd CFP). Deadline for submission of abstracts (oral presentations): March 1st 2015. Please submit your abstract to Keynote speakers: Almo Farina (Italy), Gisela Kaplan (Australia), Dominique Lestel (France), David […]

III Congreso “La actualidad de Michel Foucault”- 2015

CALL FOR PAPERS/PRESENTACIÓN DE COMUNICACIONES El próximo 6, 7 y 8 de Mayo del 2015 se celebrará en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid la Tercera Edición del Congreso “La actualidad de Michel Foucault”, en el que colaboran la Facultad de Filosofía y el Departamento de Historia de la Filosofía de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y el Departamento de […]

Discurso y poder. Foucault, las ciencias sociales y lo jurídico. A 40 años de la publicación de Vigilar y Castigar

Jornadas “Discurso y poder. Foucault, las ciencias sociales y lo jurídico. A 40 años de la publicación de Vigilar y castigar” que se realizarán los días 1º, 2 y 3 de Julio 2015 en la Universidad Nacional de Lanús. Presentación de ponencias Se podrán enviar ponencias en las siguientes áreas temáticas: –       Ciencias sociales y humanas y las relaciones saber-poder –       Dogmática penal, tecnologías punitivas […]

Section on Biopolitics and Violence

Biopolitics and Violence in International Relations The problematic of biopolitics has become increasingly important in the study of international relations. Inspired by the pioneering research of Michel Foucault and the subsequent development of the problematic of biopolitics in a variety of schools, IR scholars have started addressing the rationalities of power that go beyond traditional […]

Conference Italian Biopolitical Theory: Life, Power and Theology

Interrogation into the nexus between power and life, characterised by Foucault as ‘biopolitics’, has been taken up by many thinkers in the past twenty years. So much so that it is now justifiably perceived as one of the most important fields in continental philosophy. With the desire to understand and confront the political stakes as well as the more challenging […]

Jornada Transdisciplinar de Estudios en Gubernamentalidad.

Desde la segunda mitad de los años 70 las investigaciones de Michel Foucault asumen un leve giro: de su interés por la noción de biopoder que se había iniciado en su trabajo desde 1974, sus investigaciones se vuelven cada vez más sobre lo que técnicamente el propio Foucault denominará “gubernamentalidad”. No se trata de un […]

The Politics of Legality in a Neo-liberal Age

This symposium will examine the nexus between the political dominance of liberal legal ideas and the economic dominance of neo-liberal capitalism. According to classical liberal theory the state is legitimate to the extent that it respects legality.  The idea that the state should respect individual rights and the rule of law continues to have considerable […]

The Police and the Theory of the State in Journal Theoria

The editors of Theoria invite contributors to interrogate contemporary political and social theory through the lens of policing, with the view of connecting politics and policing. Well documented reflections based on a variety of case studies would be welcomed, with a non exclusive privilege given to the ‘Global South’.  “No government can maintain the rights of the […]

Edited Collection on Biopolitics and Utopia

We are seeking chapters that address and explore approaches to utopia and biopolitics, both very broadly conceived. Scientific progress in “improving” the human body and experience has provoked ethical, moral, and policy considerations regarding both intent and results. This edited volume seeks to address questions of utopian drives and desires in these modern advances, as […]

More-than-Human Legalities Advocating a Posthumanist Turn in Law

While nonhuman forms of life render many legal operations—in fact, law’s very existence as such—possible, legal norms and systems also constitute nonhuman life and render it meaningful in a variety of ways. Up until now, however, scholars have relegated the legal investigation of nonhuman life, and of the animal question in particular, to the typically […]